Yes you can get 5.25 flopies but if you saved your music on a non microsoft pc good luck opening the disk or running the files in the origional programs.
All of you cdr's work fine that is good. You must be fortunate as the national standards bureau tested and found that most should not last much longer perhaps you have stored them in a dark dry place. Perhaps you just lucked out. It is not my supposition that they will fail but the testing agency of the goverment. I have floppies that no longer work. You get people using cd - dvd polishing kits and armorall on em.
Do you think there will be cd drives in 50 years on ebay. Why do you think that the wave file will be a standard forever or as long as mankind has computers. No other standards have remained in place that long.
Try to open a 1995 avid file. Avid is still standard and you will go through hell opening old files a lot of times you can't. Try opening a Word document from the late 1980's. Try opening any number of word processing documents from before then for example Word Star was the most popular word processing program in the goverment for a time most of the files can not now be read. People are working on it though.
I work on the national roundtable of digital archivists and have to hear others discuss the sound issues. I have no personal agenda on sound files. I work with video and animation files. Everyone is working on a xml as a solution but seems like it may not work.
As far as machines go you might do it on a mac or a pc then you have the dozens of music programs you might have used. Of course you might load the wave files into a program but then you would not have the automation or eq information. Oh yea if midi was used what was it running. This is not a universal playback system. If you take any 24 track analog you can probibly run it on any 24 track machine. There are some varables like if dbx or dolby was used on it but that will be noted on the track sheets or the box if the engineer was deicent.
In avid you have lots of little scenes and audio. All to often it does not come back togeather again in a later version of the program.
In Maya puting a file back from the many 3-5 programs of the 90s is crazy hard.
A big mongster xml tagging system to record what the files are and how to re - create things may be on the way the goverment is spening billions on this thus far nothing is done but if it does work and was not a total waist of time you will have xml tagging and recreation tagging that should be put standard into all these types of programs at some point in the near to distant future.
Regarding just how digital is impossible to archive?
Last edited by Big John_Archive on Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.