Cream-Cheese Hot Dogs?

Total votes: 7 (64%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 4 (36%)
Total votes: 11

Condiment: Cream-Cheese on Hot Dogs

H-GM wrote:In Seattle I was turned on to the most glorious of wacky hot dog additions: cream cheese. Has Doug Sohn attempted this marvelous thing? Both buns slathered with rich cream cheese in addition to grilled onions, mustard, and mayo. So good. The best is when the dog is all gone and all you have left is a bun filled with a gooey cream cheese-mustard-mayo-onion mix. Fuck.

Was this at a street-side vendor on Capital Hill? Near Broadway? If so, I've had one, and it was great.

Plus, it wasn't really a hot dog, it was a good sausage and the cream cheese wasn't heavy, it just added a nice, cool contrast to the spiciness.
There's a Big Heap of Trash at the End of the Rainbow

Condiment: Cream-Cheese on Hot Dogs


When I used to work in a cinema, we would poke a straw through the centre of a hot dog, fill it with salt, replace the meaty ends and put it back on the rack until some unsuspecting member of staff sold this on to some unsuspecting member of the public. We were dicks. Actually, we were superdicks. But when you're bored and irresponsible, this kind of dickishness makes your slaaaaaaaaackkkkkker day.

Anyway, on one occasion I did the same thing, only this time I sucked up some of the molten cheese that was more commonly slathered over the top of nachos and blew in down straight into a dog's hole. I plugged up the ends and ate it.

It was nice. It was nice because it was CLEAN. This thread has got me thinking about that, and what I'm thinking about now is taking some strong, stinky cheese and pumping that into a dog.

Cream cheese? CRAP. I need something that makes me feel alive.
Last edited by Rimbaud III_Archive on Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Condiment: Cream-Cheese on Hot Dogs

Rimbaud III wrote:Related:

When I used to work in a cinema, we would poke a straw through the centre of a hot dog, fill it with salt, replace the meaty ends and put it back on the rack until some unsuspecting member of staff sold this on to some unsuspecting member of the public. We were dicks. Actually, we were superdicks. But when you're bored and irresponsible, this kind of dickishness makes your slaaaaaaaaackkkkkker job made your day.

Anyway, on one occasion I did the same thing, only this time I sucked up some of the molten cheese that was more commonly slathered over the top of nachos and blew in down straight into a dog's hole. I plugged up the ends and ate it.

It was nice. It was nice because it was CLEAN. This thread has got me thinking about that, and what I'm thinking about now is taking some strong, stinky cheese and pumping that into a dog.

Cream cheese? CRAP. I need something that makes me feel alive.

We never booby trapped anyone's food at the theater I worked at. But we did make some very odd, but very good concoctions:

Mustard on popcorn? Good.
Milkduds in popcorn? No good.

We did mix peach Parrot Ice--some budget fruit slurpee knockoff--with Dr. Pepper. It made this tremendous foam that remained atop the cup. So we called it Skin Cola. It was awesome.
Our band.


Condiment: Cream-Cheese on Hot Dogs

H-GM wrote:In Seattle I was turned on to the most glorious of wacky hot dog additions: cream cheese. Has Doug Sohn attempted this marvelous thing? Both buns slathered with rich cream cheese in addition to grilled onions, mustard, and mayo. So good. The best is when the dog is all gone and all you have left is a bun filled with a gooey cream cheese-mustard-mayo-onion mix. Fuck.
For the love of God, never eat food around me again.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

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