While I was taking a shower this evening, my awesome girlfriend got acquainted with this awesome board.
She browsed for a long time while I tried to explain what it is that goes on here.
Brief (notable) exchange:
Girlfriend: [while browsing] "You know that there is another steve on here?"
Me: "Yeah."
Girlfriend: "Is that why you added the V.?"
Me: "Yeah."
Girlfriend: "Hmmm...he has fewer posts. Doesn't that mean that you're like, better than he is?"
Me: "Actually, he owns the studio...and the board."
Girlfriend: "Oh."
(Pause. I explain who Steve Albini is, why people ask tmidgett questions, we watch the IfIHadaHifi video, and I give a brief rundown of the PRF to her.)
Girlfriend: [long pause] "You know these people probably hate you."
So, yeah, the PRF just seeped into yet another crevice of my pathetic real life.
Little details from your day
Last edited by Steve V_Archive on Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.