Little details from your day

While I was taking a shower this evening, my awesome girlfriend got acquainted with this awesome board.

She browsed for a long time while I tried to explain what it is that goes on here.

Brief (notable) exchange:
Girlfriend: [while browsing] "You know that there is another steve on here?"
Me: "Yeah."
Girlfriend: "Is that why you added the V.?"
Me: "Yeah."
Girlfriend: "Hmmm...he has fewer posts. Doesn't that mean that you're like, better than he is?"
Me: "Actually, he owns the studio...and the board."
Girlfriend: "Oh."
(Pause. I explain who Steve Albini is, why people ask tmidgett questions, we watch the IfIHadaHifi video, and I give a brief rundown of the PRF to her.)
Girlfriend: [long pause] "You know these people probably hate you."

So, yeah, the PRF just seeped into yet another crevice of my pathetic real life.
Last edited by Steve V_Archive on Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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