Worst band decision you grudgingly went along with

Letting the drummer girl's goofball beardy boyfriend join the band on second guitar.
I ended up beating the shit out of him one night at the fireside because he wouldn't stop jumping around like an asshole while we played. I warned him several times I wasn't in the mood for his bullshit that night. He kept on. I snapped. Big scene.
End of band, never saw any of those people again.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Worst band decision you grudgingly went along with

Not really a band decision but...we have a song with a little 2 bar guitar intro. During that guitar intro the drummer decided during practices to do a little 'bop' on the toms. I didn't really care. I don't really like telling him what to play - he's honestly an amazing drummer, a good friend, and I don't like getting in his way.
But n-o-w we've been playing the song for months, we recorded it (w/bop) and I'm REALLY SICK OF THE BOP. And if I told him when he first did it, he gladly would have cut it out. But now, it's gone on so long...he would get offended.
I think I'm just gonna cut the song from our setlist.

Worst band decision you grudgingly went along with

johnnyshape wrote:BANDS AUDITIONING POTENTIAL MEMBERS: Choose the person who you like the most. Choose the person who you think you could most easily spend a year stuck on a desert island with. Great people who can at least hold it together can become better musicians. Wankers are wankers are wankers.


Did that twice and scored on both counts.

Here's mine:

For some reason, we decided it would be ok for an agent we didn't know to arrange for transportation and a driver when we toured in Europe the third time. Hey, it worked out ok the first few times.

There is nothing like touring Europe in a friend of the agent's broken down van w/no motor club action and a driver we would come to know as Wrongway Jimmy who thinks he can fix engines and drops expensive automobile batteries on the ground.
Mike G.

Worst band decision you grudgingly went along with

Let's tell the guy recording our second album that we have a label budget! That'll impress him, yeah then he'll be all like, ooh, I'll use the good mic's on these guys and try my best..

yeah it impressed him so much that he thought, "rather than crack the whip and get this all finished, let's take our time on this, I'm sure these chaps can fork out for another weeks time to mix this beauty, oh yeah more cash for me!"

which to be honest is totally fair on his part, we were the dicks trying to con him. Anyway the end result, album recorded in 7 days in 2003, unmixed because the label can't pay for it, ..... band breaks up 2004, album finally finished in 2006. by which point label is bust too! We ended up with our friends putting it out and not selling any... Which was also a bad move I guess. I wouldn't feel so bad, but we only recorded 6 songs with this guy. The other 4 (two of which are my favourites on the album)we did in our friends basement. He recorded our first album in it's entirety for 1/3 of our total budget for the 2nd album, but oh no, we need to record in a "proper studio" for our "proper" album. BAH!

Adam, would I be right in thinking that the bass player in question was also a noted transmitter of STD's? And made funny faces when playing?

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