Listening To Radiohead Again: What do you nerds think?

They did some powerful stuff. I haven't been able to listen to them in a very long time. I thought I'd come back around to them (eventually). I listened to In Rainbows more closely and put on OK Computer tonight.

It is kinda funny that all of a sudden they were saddled with the BEST BAND EVER label all of a sudden upon listening to OK Computer for the first time in forever. This band can be too sterile.

I await your occasionally violent reactions. Or not.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Listening To Radiohead Again: What do you nerds think?

While I didn't really enjoy Hail the Thieves and In Rainbows, I really liked OK Computer, Kid A, and Amniesiac. The first two I'm pretty indifferent about.

The thing that I thought really interesting about Radiohead is how they sell out venues with absolutely no radio or television play. I haven't heard them on the radio or seen a video since OK Computer, but their albums still sell like crazy. I pretty much haven't listened to the radio since Kid A/Amniesiac, but I'm assuming it's still pretty much the case. I just never got how they did that. Do casual listeners still pick them up because they were a buzz clip in 93?

Overall, yeah I like them. Not everything they do, but they've done some interesting stuff.
I've seen the bridges burning in the night.

Listening To Radiohead Again: What do you nerds think?

I'm starting to think that they're more effective as a singles band. That's not to rag on their albums...but sometimes they do embarassing/boring stuff.

When they're at their best, it's really pretty amazing to behold.

-"Let Down"
-"Pyramid Song"
-"Subterranean Homesick Alien"
-Kid A

Okay, so one album works pretty damn well all the way through.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Listening To Radiohead Again: What do you nerds think?

diego wrote:Funny to bring up Radiohead now because this morning I listened to them again after long months....
It felt good listening again to Hail To The Thief in the bus on my way to work.
Myxomatosis is definitely a fantastic song!

A music teacher I had once told me about the time he met Thom Yorke.

He told Yorke how much he liked the new album (HTTT) except for "Myxomatosis". Yorke gave him a weird look, but was generally gracious.

I couldn't believe that the guy didn't get the song just because "it was so noisy."

Radiohead needs another album where they stick to a theme, a sound, a feeling. Strip away the electronica-ness...or piss everyone off with a whole album of "Myxomatosis".
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

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