Is it mean to name a song "Mellow Stampede"

Total votes: 12 (35%)
Total votes: 22 (65%)
Total votes: 34

I think I was just mean

burun wrote:
tmidgett wrote:
burun wrote:
tmidgett wrote:Barnhart came up with the best-ever jam band name:

Unconscionable Groove.

Where do I send the royalty check?

I was right in the first place. Unconscionable Groove is the best-ever jam band name. We use it all the time, like weekly.

So you're telling me to cease and desist.


It is my gift to the world. Just don't forget who's your daddy.
Tre Orsi | The Echo Lab | blahg

I think I was just mean

All-purpose band name to use when referring to any crappy band you can hear bleeding through the walls at your rehearsal space:

Sob Story.

Thank Rob Sieracki for that one.

Another mean trick once played on such bands: learn their riffs and play them back when they are between songs.

I had a mean streak once.
Mike G.

I think I was just mean

tmidgett wrote:
givemenoughrope wrote:"Kick Out the Jams pt.2"


"Love Hurts (again)"

These are good.

The fake sequel naming is a long-standing joke in my band. Aside from the working title of our next record (Use Your Illusion III), we played a show once and announced each song as:

"More Sympathy for the Devil"
"December's Grandchildren (and Everybody's)"
"Let it Bleed Again"
"12 x 6"
"Re-Exile on Main St."
"Betweener the Buttons" (my favorite)

God, it went on and on. And, I tell you, I was shocked - SHOCKED - that no one laughed.


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