Pickup Lines

Marsupialized wrote:'Shy' and boring go hand in hand...Shy=Not interesting.


That's your opinion, based on your interpretation of anecdotal evidence, and it doesn't become a fact simply because you say it.

Marsupialized wrote:What's interesting about a shy person? The fact they are fucking shy? Like that's rare and cool and fun?

You're right, it's simply not possible for someone who isn't outgoing to have interesting things to say. Or be intelligent. Everyone who fails to meet your standards for how people should behave and interact in public is boring, and they're trying to sell their social awkwardness as a plus because they have nothing else going for them.

When I hold back in social situations, it's usually because some blowhard, enthralled by the sound of his own voice, is doing his best Rush Limbaugh impression and telling everyone in earshot (usually the entire building) what is Right and Wrong with People. Sort of like this thread, really.
The band: http://www.tremendousfucking.com
The blog: http://www.ginandtacos.com

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