How The Bankers Rip You Off , Summed Up In 1 Paragraph

Rick Reuben wrote:The economy is showing more weakness by the day.

The US economy signs are certainly not inspiring much optimism. The gas prices have risen to an all-time peak, food prices posted the largest increases in decades, home prices have fallen really fast.
The Federal Reserve officials dont know what to do: They need to choose between focus their efforts on fighting inflation or support a weak economy. The prospects (existence) of a sustained economic recovery plan remain uncertain and unknown . An economic meltdown has a probability of occurring , but still unpredictable. Impossible to determine when or if with reasonable certainty, given all the variables.
Last edited by 242sumner on Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

How The Bankers Rip You Off , Summed Up In 1 Paragraph

this thread has a weird aspect to it, something I've seen a few times now and I'm honestly not even paying attention. but Rick, what's the deal with you going back and editing the opening post, 6 months after you made it? I've seen you do this before, too, even a year or two after the fact. what's the deal with this?
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

How The Bankers Rip You Off , Summed Up In 1 Paragraph

Rick Reuben wrote: wrote:After years of temptation, I finally clicked on one of your threads.
A lie.

Here you are getting your weak shit exposed back in 2006:

Holy fucking shit, do you need a life. Seriously. UNPLUG YOUR COMPUTER. GO OUTSIDE. FUCK A HOOKER. THROW A FRISBEE. Do SOMETHING other than sit in front of your computer and conjure up memories of arguments you had on a goddamn message board TWO YEARS AGO.

You have never made a prediction that proved to be accurate. You have never cited a fact in defense of your paranoid conspiracies. No one - including you - benefits in the slightest from what you do. You have three options:

1. Continue this insanely pointless existence, accomplishing absolutely nothing except giving yourself adult-onset diabetes by sitting in front of a monitor for 16 hours a day eating Little Debbies and posting about the trilateral commission.

2. Make the decision to walk away and begin living something approximating a normal life.

3. Kill yourself. Violently and painfully.

I'm really pulling for #3 - please, please do it - but I suppose that makes me the bad person. #2 will make more people happy, because everyone loves a good recovery story.

The decision is yours. No one is forcing you to live this inane, pointless existence. Nothing is stopping you from having a productive or contented life except your own imagination.
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