Little details from your day

Marsupialized wrote:.All their equipment is only worth 2100 bucks according to them, 1300 of which is one guitar. Various effects/pedal boards is worth 300 bucks. 500 for the drums and drum accessories.

Collective Soul plays a $500 drumkit and only $300 in effects.

Some people on this board own more than that. Some WAY more.

Perhaps they use backlines for all the rest, but still.

I wonder how much it cost to ship all that crap par avion.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Little details from your day

lemur68 wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:.All their equipment is only worth 2100 bucks according to them, 1300 of which is one guitar. Various effects/pedal boards is worth 300 bucks. 500 for the drums and drum accessories.

Collective Soul plays a $500 drumkit and only $300 in effects.

Some people on this board own more than that. Some WAY more.

Perhaps they use backlines for all the rest, but still.

I wonder how much it cost to ship all that crap par avion.

$1807.30 US

Would be way cheaper to rent a truck and drive it there
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

Maurice wrote:Between sets, I finished a beer and put the bottle down on a table with other empties; it was promptly picked up and swigged from by one of a group of young ladies who'd been sitting nearby. Um, well, I was done with it; if you can get anything out of it, you're welcome to it, but as a behavior it seemed rather odd to me.

Unless a teenager, the minesweeper is a particularly desperate species of pisshead.

My good friend Adam has just left after a three day visit and I am sad, exhausted and elated; the past three days have been awesome, with lots of cycling, meeting cool people, seeing places that I have not seen near here, dancing, swimming and sunshine (well, yesterday, anyway). On Saturday night/Sunday morning I danced until dawn for the first time in maybe a couple of years; to celebrate St Christopher's Day and the associated Gay Pride events and parade, some people hosted a massive party in a series of halls and terraces in the giant apartment block that overhangs Kottbusser Tor. The music was uniformly excellent, the crowd was mixed and mingling, the atmosphere was friendly, and there was a bouncy castle (ein Luftschloss!). I need to sort myself out with some disco.

Walked around the Olympic Stadium (the power of which defeats the association with the regime that built it), cycled from there to and through the Grunwald, swam in the Havel, and was given a scare by a family of dangerous idiots with a motorboat, a waterskiing child, and an inability to differentiate between the left and right side of a buoy. The adrenaline rush was fun.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!

Little details from your day

I made Eggs Benedict for supper tonight and they were awesome. I added a bed of sauteed garlic, onions and spinach beneath the Canadian bacon and used the lemons growing in the backyard in the Hollandaise. I served them up with steamed brussel sprouts in a dill beer butter. It was glorious, and now I can add Eggs Benedict to the list of things that I can no longer eat at restaurants because mine are vastly superior.

I spent the early portion of Sunday lying in bed with the back and neck pain of doom. Not sure what's up with that as I'm less stressed out as I have been in a long time and not chronically depressed. I can still hear the knots in my back popping beneath the skin when I raise my shoulders or stretch. Stupid broken body...why can't you work right?

New job starts tomorrow...
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Little details from your day

Rimbaud III wrote:
that damned fly wrote:fuck.


I want this tattooed Ye-Olde style across my chest.

Tattoo it across your knuckles and you will never have to bother with work again.

Across your chest might quite cool though. Whenever you want to quit work you can just walk into the bosses office and rip open your shirt...

Little details from your day


Overdraft Balance: £131.94
Advance Overdraft Limit: £0

I wrote to you a few days ago advising you that your bank account has an instant overdraft of of £131.94. In accordance with the Term and Conditions of your Abbey Bank Account, we now require you to repay this instant overdraft, plus any interest and fees, immediately. "

All because of a cockup up at the store that overcharged me! Last time I buy anything on debit or credit. From now on, I'm a cash-man.

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