Should the cover of an album match the title?

Sure, it should
Total votes: 11 (46%)
No way man, that shit is corny
Total votes: 13 (54%)
Total votes: 24

Notion: Album Covers That Literally Illustrate Album Titles

DazeyDiver wrote:
simmo wrote:

La Fouine = The ferret

(Possibly the best album cover ever)

I'll see your La Fouine and raise you a Big Bear


La Fouine has a picture of himself on his shirt for easy reference. "Hmm, to whom does this shirt belong? Ah yes, myself."

The best part about the Big Bear cover is that the bears are at a table laden with bear-appropriate foods. Muesli, berries, the whole nine. The logo is dripping with honey.

Pen & Pixel has been uninspiring as of late.

Notion: Album Covers That Literally Illustrate Album Titles

Most of my favorites don't literally illustrate the title at all, but capitalize on some theme of the album. The cover for Zen Arcade illustrates the aimlessness and deadness that the character rebels against perfectly, and the gritted teeth on the cover of Filth exemplifies the insane aggression of the music to a T. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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