" Sound Proofing"

If your main concern is bands vs residents, I'd suggest that any money put aside for structural work may be better used to sweeten your neighbours with bottles of wine or similar. Unless you can construct an isolated room within a room, its likely to remain a problem for the residents. Even if you take 20db off, I'd wager there will still be enough mechanical coupling via walls to annoy them at a slightly quieter level. Inform them of the dates you have shows and offer a token of appreciation along with -30db earplugs. Proofing an exisiting, pre-fitted room to any reasonable level without structural change is quite a tall order.

" Sound Proofing"

Rock Woolf. Would not see.

Flame Retard. Would see.

Agree with zartoid, it's not easy to cut the sound from the upstairs. The low freqs are going to get up there unless you cut all the supporting beams and insert gel pads. If you could build an inner structure to hold the bands, then you could truly isolate the vibes. I doubt your basement or budget is big enough. Go with the wine and ear/butt plugs.

" Sound Proofing"

you can also try this site, tons of info.


also, it is my understanding that the pink fiberglass insulation is just as good when used INSIDE a wall or ceiling, as you are mainly trying to damp any resonances between the two leaves. also good to use in helmholtz resonators.

for acoustical treatment in the actual room, rigid fiberglass or mineral/rock wool 3-6 pcf is what you want. the r13/19 etc is not dense enough for this application.

" Sound Proofing"

Dry wall > Pink fiberglass > Dry wall.
Density and airspace.
You can also hang additional OC 703 baffles above the band.
You could also pour sand between the space in the celing/floor.

I once filled a hollow core door with sand and made it a hell of a lot more quiet. It is a total pain in the ass though. Sand is heavy.

" Sound Proofing"

japmn wrote:I once filled a hollow core door with sand and made it a hell of a lot more quiet. It is a total pain in the ass though. Sand is heavy.

Yeah, Id imagine it had better be a metal frame door to do that. Natch I could be wrong, but Id think a wooden frame would never hold on to the hinges.
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

" Sound Proofing"

endofanera wrote:
japmn wrote:I once filled a hollow core door with sand and made it a hell of a lot more quiet. It is a total pain in the ass though. Sand is heavy.

Yeah, Id imagine it had better be a metal frame door to do that. Natch I could be wrong, but Id think a wooden frame would never hold on to the hinges.

I don't remember doing anything to the hinges. I also am not sure how that door held up after I moved out of that house. Those new residents are in for a surprise.

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