Is it mean to name a song "Mellow Stampede"

Total votes: 12 (35%)
Total votes: 22 (65%)
Total votes: 34

I think I was just mean

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I think this is a great song title.
Think of it along the same line as Vanilla Fudge, Iron Butterfly and Led Zeppelin.

I'm with this, I actually like the name Mellow's also kinda like Soft Machine...

It's kinda like when I, like so many of the rest of us rock dorks, riffs on fake band names, and one I came up with was the Harshmellow Peeps, and that was awhile ago...

So you see, this sort of thing has been tossed around a while.

However, some alternate titles for songs could include:

1. We Should Make Nachos
2. It's Just a Show
3. I Know Exactly What Sandwhich I'm Gonna Order for Lunch
4. It's Time To Be Creative
5. Oh! Fiddlestyx!
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

I think I was just mean

cesb wrote:Another mean trick once played on such bands: learn their riffs and play them back when they are between songs.

A classic rehearsal space rib.

Another classic rehearsal space rib is trying to throw other bands off the song - early cues and stuff. I had a space next to Alice in Chains.

I think I was just mean

ubercat wrote:
cesb wrote:Another mean trick once played on such bands: learn their riffs and play them back when they are between songs.

A classic rehearsal space rib.

Another classic rehearsal space rib is trying to throw other bands off the song - early cues and stuff. I had a space next to Alice in Chains.

this tells me that rockdicks are not different than classicaldicks at conservatory.

salut, dicks! you are a consistent breed.

I think I was just mean

danmohr wrote:
The fake sequel naming is a long-standing joke in my band. Aside from the working title of our next record (Use Your Illusion III), we played a show once and announced each song as:

"More Sympathy for the Devil"
"December's Grandchildren (and Everybody's)"
"Let it Bleed Again"
"12 x 6"
"Re-Exile on Main St."
"Betweener the Buttons" (my favorite)

God, it went on and on. And, I tell you, I was shocked - SHOCKED - that no one laughed.


"Tetsuo III: Fist Of The Fist!"
Motherfuckers Move Slow.

I think I was just mean

steve wrote:I asked the band for the name of the song they just recorded, and they said "You make one up, it's up to you."

i think "you make one up, its up to you" is an ok song title, why you changing it.
peri wrote:The gfirl just emailed me, "I've never had any desire to eat a scotch egg'.

I guess she gonna go hungry tonight

I think I was just mean

4 pages into this thread and i still don't get how Steve's coming up with the "mellow stampede" name could possibly make him sound mean.
i guess i don't grasp the english language that much (i'm italian).
maybe someone could kindly describe to me what exactly is a "mellow stampede" and satisfy my curiosity? i don't know...
Last edited by gaetano_Archive on Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I think I was just mean

Rimbaud III wrote:
cesb wrote:Another mean trick once played on such bands: learn their riffs and play them back when they are between songs.

Total waste of time and money, but this has me chuckling like a two ton tit.

me too, and if the band the next room over wasn't Quinn Sharber (who is a way better guitar player than me) I would do it in a heart beat.
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

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