Are all women crazy?

Yes, they are all crazy
Total votes: 23 (43%)
No, some are normal like me
Total votes: 30 (57%)
Total votes: 53

Are all women crazy?

I think it's really funny how when men are in love, or are in a very deep, caring, long-term relationship, they'll talk about how much they admire their partner's clear-headedness and intelligence.

And then there's the "all women are crazy" complaint. Jesus, make up your minds, foo's!
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Are all women crazy?

DrAwkward wrote: You're in a relationship with someone who makes you miserable. THAT'S INSANE.

Don't dwell on what you can't control--other people. Work on yourself.

Not all the time. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in the relationship. It's SOMETIMES and nowadays OFTEN.

I don't want to control anyone or vice versa.

It seems that I AM attracting the kind of women with many of the qualities from otis' lists. Having not much else to compare to, I ask "Are all women crazy?" Looks like I'm getting an answer.

Are all women crazy?

Barbo wrote:
givemenoughrope wrote:With any decisions I make, the first thing out of her mouth are always about how it affects her.

Hmmm. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that you are in a relationship together.


I'm talking about things that really affect my life/work and not her so much. Like, they would have little impact on her.

(Les Paul is below Paul Schaffer. Now I get it.)

Are all women crazy?

givemenoughrope wrote:
DrAwkward wrote: You're in a relationship with someone who makes you miserable. THAT'S INSANE.

Don't dwell on what you can't control--other people. Work on yourself.

Not all the time. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in the relationship. It's SOMETIMES and nowadays OFTEN.

I don't want to control anyone or vice versa.

It seems that I AM attracting the kind of women with many of the qualities from otis' lists. Having not much else to compare to, I ask "Are all women crazy?" Looks like I'm getting an answer.

Yeah, i didn't mean to imply that you're trying to "control" her, per se--although if you're anything like me i'm guessing at least once you've fallen into the "what can i do to make her less crazy?" mental trap.

But technically, if you're looking for an answer for "are all women crazy?" my answer would be "yes, but only because all humans are crazy."

I dunno, dude, life's too short to be with someone who makes you miserable even part of the time (and trust me, it's easier for me to say than it is easier for me to do, so i'm feeling you), but i don't know your situation, so that's something for us all to weigh for ourselves.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Are all women crazy?

givemenoughrope wrote:
yaledelay wrote:Nope they are not all crazy, but I highly suggest you avoid my

So, either you found a good'n or the signs aren't there yet.

How about this: I'm in a relationship that is long-term. Marriage and kids aren't out of the question but every time we differ on things (however minor) and she wigs out, I think about if it were a decision concerning kids or anything like that. Scares the shit out of me. help.

My girlfriend is the sanest person I know, then again most of my friends are in bands, so I am not used to sanity... you need to define "wigs out" for me, as "wigs out" is really vague, I have dated way more than my fair share of really crazy stab you in your sleep women, if there is one thing I am an expert in its this subject...

Yale Delay on why he is dating his current GF.

"About a year or two ago I realized there needs to be at least one sane, rational person in any relationship in order to keep it moving forward, and I realized I would never be the sane one"
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

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