
Total votes: 27 (23%)
not crap
Total votes: 90 (77%)
Total votes: 117

band: Deerhoof

This is somewhat ironic because when Greg Saunier originally asked guitarist John Dieterich to join the band, he did so because he was blown away by the guitar solos on The Gorge Trio's Dead Chicken Fear No Knife. After Dieterich had joined, Saunier discovered that the solos he loved had actually been recorded by The Gorge Trio's other guitarist - Ed Rodriguez. This is like history righting itself. Anyone who has heard The Gorge Trio/Colossamite will tell you that Ed Rodriguez is a mind-blowing guitarist. He will be an absolutely perfect addition to Deerhoof.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

band: Deerhoof

I like everything about these guys.

I really enjoy the vocal melodies but sometimes the vocals really bother me; the cuteness of it all. I can imagine strangling the air out of the person singing the annoying parts if I had a migraine like I had yesterday. Thoughtless, cold killing. I guess I kind of agree with unarmedman.

Otherwise, I dig 'em.

band: Deerhoof

I could take or leave the lyrics, but they strike me as Pollardadaist anyway: words used for their formants as a purely textural device for the sake of the music, some of which I love. "Running Thoughts" is probably one of my favorite songs to come out in the past few years.
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

band: Deerhoof

I've sorta reversed my opinion about Deerhoof. It's like a very cutesy lead singer being backed by the Magic Band. The sound collage/music they do really is pretty intiguing. If it was just another indie-pop band I probably wouldn't like them nearly enough.

They're a rare duck in that I pretty much hated them at first and have slowly grown to like them quite a bit.

The Runners Four is a good one. I wasn't totally crazy about Apple O but it seems they've improved with each record. I need to pick up their last one.
Tiny Monk site and blog

band: Deerhoof

MrWarandieBoy wrote:
givemenoughrope wrote:the Asian schtick makes me want to die. Does that lady talk that way in interviews and at the DMV?

pretty much.

my favourite band, btw. not crap. can't wait for the new album, but i'll wait until this inevitably gets bumped then to discuss the band.

Nah. Ive heard her in interviews. She doesn't talk like that. Does that mean i can sing like Leon Redbone? Why not.

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