Rupert Murdoch

Total votes: 24 (100%)
NOT CRAP (No votes)
Total votes: 24

Businessman: Rupert Murdoch

Minotaur029 wrote:

We're truly like some pussy, modern version of Rome here in the States. An AUSTRALIAN is responsible for filling the heads of pea-brained "American patriots" with right-wing propaganda so that people like my Georgia family can continue to believe that the invasion of Iraq was not only moral, but completely necessary.

I think ol' Rupert has US citizenship now.
Australian, Russian, doesn't matter...Today's capitalism knows no borders.
He and his empire are first on my list of about 1000 reasons why i don't have/want/need a myspace page. (Sadly, I'm often dealt a stare of bewilderment when I mention this.)
CRAP is far too gentle a word for what he is and what he has wrought.
D. Perino deduced: "The Cuban Missile Crisis?...“It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I’m pretty sure.”

Businessman: Rupert Murdoch

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Look at the picture in my post.
How can anyone vote CRAP without at least giving the guy a chance?

By pushing the button for "Crap" without hesitation.

fuzzbob wrote: literally do go so far as to kill cute little kittens without batting an eye.

You just know there have been some human sacrifices along the way as well.

The good doctor wrote:He and his empire are first on my list of about 1000 reasons why i don't have/want/need a myspace page. (Sadly, I'm often dealt a stare of bewilderment when I mention this.)

I hear ya.
People look at you as if you are holding a rotary phone in your hand whilst lounging in a waterbed.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

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