the mars volta?

Total votes: 60 (77%)
not crap
Total votes: 18 (23%)
Total votes: 78

band: the mars volta

Lobster Magnet wrote:My opinon on the whole Sparta vs. TMV is they both suck. They NEED each other. Each band is just ATDI without the other half. Neither band will never ever top anything they did in At the Drive-In.

This is a fact.

I voted crap though, because no matter how good a 3 song EP is, two lousy albums more than drag the band down. So does their live show.

band: the mars volta

I go back and forth with how i feel about the Mars Volta,
the first time i heard them was when i saw them open up for Blonde Redhead years ago (before their first ablum came out) - i remember hearing that they had members of At The Drive In, and i was kind of excited, then they started playing, and i became extremely bored and sat on the floor...
then their album came out (i'm not sure how long after...months) and after about the 3rd time of being forced to listen to it at work,
ill admit that i really started to enjoy it, and i still do occasionally....

i really don't like their new album though..
all in all, Not Crap with a :wf: of like 7 or so

band: the mars volta

Anthony J wrote:
Lobster Magnet wrote:My opinon on the whole Sparta vs. TMV is they both suck. They NEED each other. Each band is just ATDI without the other half. Neither band will never ever top anything they did in At the Drive-In.

This is a fact.

That is actually, as described, an opinion. An opinion that I agree with, yes, but still not a fact.

The Mars Volta are still not crap, but they are certainly no ATDI. ATDI with Jon Theodore drumming would've been spectacular though, I bet.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

band: the mars volta

Not crap, with a stack of waffles.

I used to REALLY like them, and Jon Theodore is an amazing drummer.

HOWEVER, I saw them just a couple of weeks ago and was annoyed. Why? They had requested that no-one in the audience smokes. Now this wouldn't have bothered me if I'd been told about it when I bought the ticket, but I wasn't told. They seem (Cedric and Omar anyway) to be THE most humourless and po-faced band on the planet.

I smoked anyway.
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

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