Really Good Beers

killyourself wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Had some Stone Ruination IPA my last night in Milwaukee.
Pretty good, but way expensive.

a gorgeous beer. one of my favorites. in my eyes, stone can really do no wrong. everything they touch is pure gold.

was it really that expensive? i think it retails here (grand rapids, MI) in a 22oz bottle for between four and five dollars, which is what people pay on a regular basis for 16oz's of miller lite at a million bars across the nation.
A sixer of 12oz bottles sells for $15.99 plus tax in Milwaukee.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

Really Good Beers

just sitting here, listening to Big Star and drinking my home brew pale ale that just finished carbonating. I'd say that it's really good. Took a different approach and used french hops (strisselspalt for those who care) pretty heavily. very tasty. easily the best beer i've made yet.
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:slut barf

Really Good Beers

This thread is making me pine for the great beer emporium across the street from my last gig (the only good thing about that job) where I ate lunch every day. No more St. Peter's Ale, no more Wailing Wench Pale Ale, no more Dragon's Head Stout...

You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

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