Man... Or Astro Man Question?

BadComrade wrote:I wasn't even going to watch them at T&G25, but fantasmatical thorr dragged me through the crowd and over to their stage right as they were going on, and I'm glad she did because they were really fun to watch.
I only vaguely remember them playing.
I may have gone to see "them" when they the "cover bands" touring for them.
I don't remember.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

Man... Or Astro Man Question?

Man... or Astroman? are one of the best bands ever.

"spectrum" is awesome.
even the printer song.
so is the live album "transmissions from uranus" and "Eeviac" is great too.

I actually like the later stuff more than the early stuff i guess.
thats pretty rare i guess.

I mentioned them to a friend of mine the other day in passing and he told me he roadied for them here in Australia.
the tour was with You am i and some other band.
iIdidn't even know they ever toured here and never saw them... shame.
I hate salesmen.

Man... Or Astro Man Question?

BadComrade wrote:I saw Servotron once, too. That had members of MOAM in it, right?

Yeah, the drummer and one of the guitar players. I saw them once at a Chunklet-sponsored laser tag show. After the band played (or maybe it was before,) the audience could challenge them to a game of laser tag.

MoAM was fun live but I got burned out on them pretty fast. Of course, they played here every other month it seems while they were around. Rob, the bass player ("Coco",) lives in the neighborhood by mine and was heavily involved in the biodiesel movement last I heard.

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