the mars volta?

Total votes: 60 (77%)
not crap
Total votes: 18 (23%)
Total votes: 78

band: the mars volta

max wrote:The new album is terrible. It features every element of melodic fusion-prog-rock that I hate. Absolutely annoying.
These guys can play? Steve Vay can play as well!
Even CRAP when compared to Return to Forever.

What he said.

band: the mars volta

I like sparta more than the volta. deloused has some good songs, frances the mute is overdone, too improvised sounding, long... kinda like that shitty band phish.

ATDI was good, Mars Volta is pretty much crap, deloused has its moments though.
ben wrote:I tend to get a little cynical in social situations where I see large groups of people enjoying themselves.

band: the mars volta

deloused = great choruses repeated over and over until they wear thin. a great finale song that is third to last, followed by two mediocre songs. not crap, but could've been significantly better.

frances = just got this one. put it on. disclaimer: i like prog. after an hour of mostly great medleys (the single isn't nearly as good imo), the album swells to a magnificient orchestral crescendo. i'm ready to pronounce this a possible prog masterpiece.

and then what do they do? instead of ending on that climactic note, they go into 10 minutes of noodly jamming and do an inferior finale.

they're like a great athlete who doesn't come through in the clutch.

I give the singer credit for two things:

1 -- sounding like geddy lee and not bothering me (geddy lee annoys me)
2 -- managing to make the line "she could bat a broken eyelid, raining maggots from its sty" actuallly sound pretty


band: the mars volta

Jon Theodore just left the building, which is good news, because now I never again have to sift through 14 hours of thesaurus prog to in order to listen to his drumming.

wikipedia said about the last album
Omar wrote all the instrumental parts (guitar, keyboard, vocal melodies, and drum lines with help from Theodore) as well as arranging and producing the session himself. He used a method that film directors such as Woody Allen used to invoke great performances from bandmates: refusing to let the other members hear each other's parts, or the context of their own part, thereby forcing them to play each part as if it's a self-sufficient song. In order to accomplish this, the musicians recorded to the pulse of a metronome.

that'll explain why the last album was an overbaked turd

Mars Volta: Getting Crapper by the second

band: the mars volta

trilonaut wrote:
frances = just got this one. put it on. disclaimer: i like prog. after an hour of mostly great medleys (the single isn't nearly as good imo), the album swells to a magnificient orchestral crescendo. i'm ready to pronounce this a possible prog masterpiece.

I heard this one at my sister's house the other day, on vinyl. Musics aside, it really suffers from bad production. I thought it sounded very dull. This struck me, because I didn't suspect the MV to be at all shy of resources for recording their stuff. Someone must have really fucked up.

I also heard their first EP and I kind of liked that one.

A very annoying live band.


band: the mars volta

I saw them open up for Les Savy Fav and Ugly Cassanova, and they were good then. But, they also played songs! At that point, it was more like At the Drive-In with electric piano and lots of vocal effects.

And a very foxy bass player.

But now its Flea and lots of jamming, and I can't say I really give a shit. Crap!
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

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