fender twin: crunch question


I’m going to record some songs in a couple of month’s time, just singing and a guitar. I’ve got a got a nice bassy sounding Gretsch guitar which I play through a pedal-overdriven silverface Fender Twin when I play with a group. I’m happy with it. On my own though, I’m not sure it’s going to work. What I need is that breaks-up-when-you-twat-it sound and I've got a feeling the pedal is going to boost the sound too soon. I’ve got one of those 5 watt champion 600 practise amps, and I get a good sound out of that, but obviously it hasn’t got the grain of the twin, but getting the twin to break-up without a pedal wasn’t possible before what with its huge headroom. Maybe if I don’t mind going deaf for my art? I’m getting a new rehearsal room for August so will be able to try things at volume then. Would removing any of the twin’s tubes help any? I’ve seen some mod demos of the champ that sounded great, if a little thin … passing that though a bigger speaker? Through the twin?? I’ve never modded an amp, so any advice needs to be idiot proof. But your two pence worth would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks TM

fender twin: crunch question

You can also try the Ice Cube mod, which uses the reverb circuit driver as an overdrive. A crude version of it is to just jump the reverb send and return jacks with an RCA cable, and then you can use the reverb knob to adjust the gain of the overdrive and switch it in with the reverb footswitch.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

fender twin: crunch question

steve wrote:You can also try the Ice Cube mod, which uses the reverb circuit driver as an overdrive. A crude version of it is to just jump the reverb send and return jacks with an RCA cable, and then you can use the reverb knob to adjust the gain of the overdrive and switch it in with the reverb footswitch.

Are you taking the piss or serious. That sounds like nonsense or total genius.
I have owned the same 70's Quad Reverb for 15 years and never heard of either of these "mods"

Are we sure shit ain't gonna get smokey if I do this tonight?

P.S. "Ice Cube" Mod?


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