"I can't drive stick"

Total votes: 34 (83%)
Not crap!
Total votes: 7 (17%)
Total votes: 41

Ability: Not being able to drive stick

Ty Webb wrote:I learned on a manual back when I was 15 and I've driven everything from a 5-speed to a 3-on-the-tree to a huge 1958 panel-side truck with the shortest first gear in automotive history. But I haven't driven a manual in almost 20 years and today I doubt I could get one out of a parking space, never mind stop and start on a hill.

This still picks at me sometimes too. I'd like very much to own a decent little sports car one day and there's just no way I could live with myself if I got one with an automatic. What the hell do I do on the test drive? Let the salesman drive it and put my hand on his knee?

But I live in New York and any driving I do is, by definition, hellish city driving. I wouldn't drive a manual in this city if you paid me. So I own an automatic and will only own automatics as long as long I live here.

It's a shameful conundrum.

Why do you have a car if you live in NY? Serious question.

Ability: Not being able to drive stick

madmanmunt wrote:Why do you have a car if you live in NY? Serious question.

Three reasons:

A. If you want to buy anything bigger than a watermelon and get it home, you better own a car.

B. I'm obsessed with golf and the only way I can get to the course without going through the trials of Hercules is in a car.

C. Sometimes you have to get outside this fucking pain in the ass of a city and see some trees that aren't covered in plastic bags. This is exceedingly difficult to do without a car.

It's strictly a convenience. You don't have to own a car in NYC, but if you live outside Manhattan and want to run any sort of errand or get out of the city for a weekend, it can be very handy. I probably drive less than 1500 miles per year.
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