song by song cover of another album

Total votes: 5 (28%)
Total votes: 13 (72%)
Total votes: 18

Idea: a track-by-track cover of another old-classic record

garble wrote:
kerble wrote:our musical chairs project is going to be tackling Stevie Wonder's Innervisions starting later this year. I think it's going to be a blast. more on that in a while.

Fuck yeah!

yeah, I'm pretty excited. it's such a brilliantly constructed record, that it's too overwhelming to do the thing song by song. I'm going to break it up into 44 one minute sections and just have people learn it one minute at a time. I've got a lot to get done in preparation for the first day of the project, but this seems like a manageable way to handle it.
kerble is right.

Idea: a track-by-track cover of another old-classic record

kerble wrote:
garble wrote:
kerble wrote:our musical chairs project is going to be tackling Stevie Wonder's Innervisions starting later this year. I think it's going to be a blast. more on that in a while.

Fuck yeah!

yeah, I'm pretty excited. it's such a brilliantly constructed record, that it's too overwhelming to do the thing song by song. I'm going to break it up into 44 one minute sections and just have people learn it one minute at a time. I've got a lot to get done in preparation for the first day of the project, but this seems like a manageable way to handle it.

That brings up an interesting idea for a various-artists type of album...they're all covering an album, doesn't matter which, but each artist has to cover one minute of the record. Doesn't allow for much in the way of tempo variation, but jeez, think of the possibilities!
Hey. My name's Josh.

Idea: a track-by-track cover of another old-classic record

choppy wrote:
kerble wrote:
garble wrote:
kerble wrote:our musical chairs project is going to be tackling Stevie Wonder's Innervisions starting later this year. I think it's going to be a blast. more on that in a while.

Fuck yeah!

yeah, I'm pretty excited. it's such a brilliantly constructed record, that it's too overwhelming to do the thing song by song. I'm going to break it up into 44 one minute sections and just have people learn it one minute at a time. I've got a lot to get done in preparation for the first day of the project, but this seems like a manageable way to handle it.

That brings up an interesting idea for a various-artists type of album...they're all covering an album, doesn't matter which, but each artist has to cover one minute of the record. Doesn't allow for much in the way of tempo variation, but jeez, think of the possibilities!

wait until you see the audio player I designed for the submissions. it's even nuttier. it's going to basically be a time line of the album that will randomly select submissions in sequence to play the album from end to end. for example, two people could submit the same minute. it would just select one of the submissions to play when you go through it.

each pass through the album would be a different thing altogether.

like a giant tone quilt.
kerble is right.

Idea: a track-by-track cover of another old-classic record

kerble wrote:
choppy wrote:
kerble wrote:
garble wrote:
kerble wrote:our musical chairs project is going to be tackling Stevie Wonder's Innervisions starting later this year. I think it's going to be a blast. more on that in a while.

Fuck yeah!

yeah, I'm pretty excited. it's such a brilliantly constructed record, that it's too overwhelming to do the thing song by song. I'm going to break it up into 44 one minute sections and just have people learn it one minute at a time. I've got a lot to get done in preparation for the first day of the project, but this seems like a manageable way to handle it.

That brings up an interesting idea for a various-artists type of album...they're all covering an album, doesn't matter which, but each artist has to cover one minute of the record. Doesn't allow for much in the way of tempo variation, but jeez, think of the possibilities!

wait until you see the audio player I designed for the submissions. it's even nuttier. it's going to basically be a time line of the album that will randomly select submissions in sequence to play the album from end to end. for example, two people could submit the same minute. it would just select one of the submissions to play when you go through it.

each pass through the album would be a different thing altogether.

like a giant tone quilt.

I call the intro of "he's misstra-know-it-all."

I will learn it on piano in order to do this.

Oh, ok, if someone gets there before me, fine, but I will try and do this. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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