one of my favorite tricks for solder removal only works on small, light components. wires, yes, whole amps no, a circuit board or stompbox yes.
get the solder hot, hold the thing in your hand, above something like a hardwood floor, accelerate it toward the floor and then either bring it to an immediate halt or even jerk it slightly back upward. the wet solder will keep conserving its momentum, and drop into a little spot on the floor. once it cools, after a few seconds, you can pop it right off the floor and throw it out.
be careful. molten solder is hot as hell. if it gets on some part of your body, the momentum trick is one of the best ways to get it off. the last thing you wanna do is try and wipe it off and just wipe it a little. it'll only smear and burn a larger area that way. if you're gonna wipe it, make sure to wipe the fuck out of it and spread it over as wide an area as you can, cause that way it cools quicker and also doesn't burn a deep hole into you.
if you do it right, the molten solder should never come into contact with any part of your body. nor should you touch the soldering iron itself, which is also hundreds of degrees.
i've got a pedal 90% designed. once I finish it and build it, everybody is gonna want one. i'll put the schematics online or something. it'll be pretty easy to build. some diodes, resistors, capacitors, pots, jacks, tube sockets, pushbuttons, wires, and an enclosure, and that's about it.
Building a stompbox
41"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album - now has a couple songs from the new album