steve wrote:As long as the "whatever it takes" punishment mentality is in place, there will never be serious attempts made to rehabilitate any criminals, and certainly not for criminals with addictive/psychological underpinnings for their crimes. We will get more arrests, more prisoners, more punishment, more profit for the private prison corporations, more bandwagon-jumping assholes on television demonizing convicts.
That's what you get when you settle for this bullshit.
Exactly, Steve.
in many countries, the concept of inimputability is very closely attached to the concept of the mental disorders.
What is needed in my opinion is a broadening of this concept.
There are several others factors (not only being insane in the legal sense) such as history life, social class, education (amog others) that should be taken into account by a Court in sentencing an individual.
I think some of them should be considered inimputable under law, legally judged irresponsible for what they did, and sent to some kind of institution that would effectively do something to help them, reintegrating them into society.