Let s Talk Baseball

The YES network is showing the 1977 All Star game.

1. The representatives from the Indians are wearing different color jerseys.
2. Joe Morgan has a horrible looking swing.
3. Reggie Jackson did this move where he looked like he was falling asleep on the RF wall after chasing Morgan's HR.
4. Dave Parker wore Dave Winfield's San Diego batting helmet in his first AB.
5. Bob Sheppard sounds thirty years younger, which I guess makes sense.

Let s Talk Baseball

vockins wrote:1. The representatives from the Indians are wearing different color jerseys.

granted, my memory has a tendency to distort the past, but i seem to remember it being normal for players to wear their respective team jerseys in the mlb all star games. i used to think it looked really cool seeing all those different uniforms united to form one defensive unit. or to see a player in yankee pin stripes knocking in a base runner from the red sox.

i figured they changed it so that they could sell ugly american and national team jerseys at the event.

anyways, they should go back to that, assuming it ever happened and i'm not just off my rocker.

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