.22 album?

I'm surprised that you've had trouble finding either record ("Watertown" and "The Worker"). They're readily available.

Insound.com (search ".22 the worker") in the Annex. You can hear some mp3s as well.
Reckless.com (search ".22" under Artist).
Amazon.com (search ".22 the worker").

If you're still lost, go to Roydale.com and send along an e-mail. There's hot mp3 action there, too.

In the Interest of Full Disclosure: I play the drum kit for Rock Band .22.

.22 album?

Sorry, but I have to ask this question:

How do you pronounce .22, in terms of this band?

Is it "point twenty two" or "point two two"?
just "twenty two"?
or even "twenty two gauge" or "twenty two calibur"?
How about "twenty two hundreths"?

or could it possibly be none of the above?

Thank you

.22 album?

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:I'm surprised that you've had trouble finding either record ("Watertown" and "The Worker"). They're readily available.

Insound.com (search ".22 the worker") in the Annex. You can hear some mp3s as well.
Reckless.com (search ".22" under Artist).
Amazon.com (search ".22 the worker").

If you're still lost, go to Roydale.com and send along an e-mail. There's hot mp3 action there, too.

In the Interest of Full Disclosure: I play the drum kit for Rock Band .22.

I've been trying to figure out how to get stuff on amazon proper (not the auctions or anything like that) without trying to untie their gordian knot of customer service.

How do you do it?

.22 album?

Tom wrote:I've been trying to figure out how to get stuff on amazon proper (not the auctions or anything like that) without trying to untie their gordian knot of customer service.

Amazon is one of the few customer service experiences in life that I have found perfectly satisfactory. They have never disappointed me, and have always surpassed my expectations. I value their service.

For instance! Good luck finding Breece D'J Pancake's short stories on the shelves anywhere else, or having this book shipped to you within three days with absence of hassle.

I am surprised that you have had trouble with Amazon. What was the problem, this Gordian knot?

.22 album?

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
Tom wrote:I've been trying to figure out how to get stuff on amazon proper (not the auctions or anything like that) without trying to untie their gordian knot of customer service.

Amazon is one of the few customer service experiences in life that I have found perfectly satisfactory. They have never disappointed me, and have always surpassed my expectations. I value their service.

For instance! Good luck finding Breece D'J Pancake's short stories on the shelves anywhere else, or having this book shipped to you within three days with absence of hassle.

I am surprised that you have had trouble with Amazon. What was the problem, this Gordian knot?

just finding a customer service address or telephone number. Maybe I'm just blind.

At any rate? who do you contact about this?

.22 album?

Tom wrote:just finding a customer service address or telephone number. Maybe I'm just blind.

At any rate? who do you contact about this?

The customer service line for Amazon.com is:

There was an article on Slate (http://slate.msn.com/id/2091623/) that detailed the steps they had to go through to find the number at Amazon's site.

That being said I have never had an unsatisfactory experience there either.

Also, I nearly forgot to mention, "The Worker" rocks. I purchased it at Reckless though.

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