Song: Whoomp! (There It Is)
2Every time I think of this song it reminds me of when the video was on Beavis and Butt-head and they sang "Whoomp! There's my butt!" This still makes me laugh.
The song is CRAP.
The song is CRAP.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.
Song: Whoomp! (There It Is)
3Not to be confused with "w00t There It Is". Yes, it's a different song. Barely.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.
Song: Whoomp! (There It Is)
6I watched Nickelodeon just about every day when this song came out. I think it won a Kids' Choice Award...I also think that one of these guys (if not both) is in prison now.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass
Song: Whoomp! (There It Is)
7Already did.that damned fly wrote:why don't you post a thread about the macarena next, you ass.
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Song: Whoomp! (There It Is)
8Minotaur029 wrote:I watched Nickelodeon just about every day when this song came out. I think it won a Kids' Choice Award...I also think that one of these guys (if not both) is in prison now.
Gettin' tag teamed!
Perhaps by 69 Boyz!
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.
Song: Whoomp! (There It Is)
9I just realized I never heard this song before. I've only heard this song through the samples of other songs.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Song: Whoomp! (There It Is)
10craptastic. know it's got its ups and downs.
Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.