Free The Ex show in Chicago

MF wrote:I'm on The Ex's email list and they just sent an announcement about their US shows yesterday. The time for the Chicago park show was listed as 12:15 PM.

Right on.

It's pertinent info for someone who hypothetically may be coming in from out of town and who would have to be back home for work the next morning.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Free The Ex show in Chicago

I work at the Cultural Center so all I have to do is walk out the front door, buy a hot dog and cross the street for the best lunch break ever. I have a Mill. Park all access security pass (with my gankie mug on it) and I wonder if it would be hard to use it for side stage access... It never has been a prob in the past.

What about a PRF Picnic? I know a lot of you local Mo-fo gonna represent.
I would rather kick with good folk out front than stand alone in the wings.

Picnic bitches!

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