Recommend me some metal!

Rimbaud III wrote:
fiery jack wrote:
Rimbaud III wrote:So, if I was going to say, get some Mayhem, where should I start? What record?

It's for a friend.

your friend should start out with De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.

I have passed on the recommendation.


And then get the first 3 Bathory albums.

there much better than anything Mayhem did.
Great Deceiver

Recommend me some metal!

A lot of the stuff mentioned above is essential, so here are a couple lesser known suggestions:

jordanosaur wrote:I'll second the recommendation on Phantom Limb.
Xasthur - any record

Can't go wrong with Xasthur for some raw, one-man-band atmospheric black metal.

Drudkh are a black metal band with a strong Ukrainian folk sound and dueling lead guitars. Blood In Our Wells is a good place to start.

Peste Noire are an amazing and strange French black metal band. Just ridiculously good. They combine some odd elements, particularly the raspy vocals, with lots of catchy, old school riffs. Folkfuck Follie is a good starting point.

Recommend me some metal!

For new black metal that minimizes the tacky factor, try Dolorian, Forgotten Tomb or Tangorodrim. Some maybe more blackened doom than others... Carcass' Heartwork is essential, as is At The Gates. Corrupted and Stephen O'Malley's newbie Ascend seem quite interesting on the doom metal front. Ocean and Khanate of course too... That's not really metal though, but neither are half the bands that have been mentioned so far. If you're gonna get a Marduk album, get Panzer Division. For Darkthrone, A Blaze In The Northern Sky. Nortt is genius for blackened ambient. Presently, I'm getting very scared by Barathrum. They do mid-tempo black metal that is well recorded for a change... Yep. I openly love the metals.

Recommend me some metal!

Pasta wrote:
fischer wrote:If you're gonna get a Marduk album, get Panzer Division. For Darkthrone, GET EVERYTHING! Fenriz and Nocturno are pure stone cold Heavy Metal Genuis'! Yep. I openly love the metals.


Seek out some Blasphemy, Dead Congregation, or Nocturnal Graves as well.

Yes, yes and yes! Oh, but watch out for when Darkthrone do crust informed stuff... It's actually quite good, but is also a shock...

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