Worst Gear Sale-Mistake?

I traded some guy here in Louisville my 70's Ampeg V-4B for his newer model Ampeg SVT Classic. At the time it seemed like a steal, being that I paid $300 for the V-4B and the SVT ran about $1,300 new. The 100 watts of the V-4B never quite cut through live, so....I was pretty excited about the prospect of somebody offering me an even trade on it for the 300 watt SVT.

Four years later, the SVT sits in the shop with a shot output transformer (which also took out all of the power tubes when it went), and I'm wishing I had that V-4B back. It sounded so good.

Worst Gear Sale-Mistake?

I sold a mid-70's Fender Super Reverb to a friend of a friend for $200 up front with another $300 to come. That was 12 years ago, and the friend of a friend and the $300 have never been seen again.

Around the same time I also sold a '70 Mustang in Candy Apple red (with the stripe and painted headstock - rare!) for about what I paid for it (well under $500). I now see lesser Mustangs selling for easily twice that amount.

I have the seller's regret.

Worst Gear Sale-Mistake?

selling a 1969 Magnavox SVT and matching 2 x 8x10 cabs to a friend for rent money. I'm too embarassed to say how little I gave it away for.

selling a metal flake green 1972 Fender P-Bass because I "didn't need it anymore" for $450

trading a nice sounding, vintage Roger's Blue Onyx Holiday drum kit in great condition for a clear Ludwig Vistalite, impossible to tune, piece-of-shit fucked up tupperware sounding kit.

selling a 1979 DR103 Hiwatt for $500

selling a Fender Super Reverb for $450 to a friend

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