Brushing with Celebrity...

Rick Reuben, posting a coked-up photo of Anna Paquin is a pretty funny way to bump a four-year-old thread.

A few weeks before the post preceding that bump, I went to the DNC in Boston with a couple friends. The most ridiculous event we talked our way into was a ritzy fundraiser for the Brady Campaign, which at that moment was (unsuccessfully) working against the expiring Assault Weapons Ban. We enjoyed raw oysters, tuna, and all the booze you could want on the 50th story of the Prudential Center while keeping an eye on Katie Couric, Steve Buscemi, and Ted Kennedy. Lewis Black was invited to give a short monologue about assault weapons, which was all right. He's a UNC alum like two of us, so we got a picture with him. Nice enough guy.

If you've been to a lot of political events or watched some C-SPAN, you are familiar with the tendency of politicians to lay their accents on thick when they're in their hometowns and to temper them when they're away. Ted Kennedy was Bwastoning it up so hard that I could barely understand some of his speech.

As the party dispersed - and this is in the celebrities meeting celebrities category - we were near Ted and Steve. We saw a couple of Kennedy's twentysomething-looking aides huddle with the Senator, saying "Sir, Steve Buscemi is here. You should meet him."


"Steve Buscemi. He is a famous actor."

"Steve who?"

"Steve Buh-seh-mee. He is a very famous actor, and you should meet him, sir."

"OK. Steve Buh-seh-mee. OK."

My friend Patrick with Steve Buscemi, meeting someone other than Ted Kennedy:
chrysler wrote:The home page says "Welcome!", but the message board sometimes does not.

Brushing with Celebrity...

82 wrote:I got into an elevator at the Thompson Center and Michael Jordan was in it. He didn't say anything. He didn't look at me. I said "Is it OK if I want an autograph" with an affable smile. He said "No, it isn't." That was the entire conversation.

FYP to the way it could have been/usually is when someone famous is off duty. He probably didn't make the effort for the next person.

Brushing with Celebrity...

83 wrote:I got into an elevator at the Thompson Center and Michael Jordan was in it. I didn't say anything. I didn't look at him. He said "It's OK if you want an autograph" with an affable smile. I said "No, I don't." That was the entire conversation.

See, the cool thing to do would have been to turn to him and say 'I suppose you want my autograph'
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Brushing with Celebrity...

84 wrote:I got into an elevator at the Thompson Center and Michael Jordan was in it. I didn't say anything. I didn't look at him. He said "It's OK if you want an autograph" with an affable smile. I said "No, I don't." That was the entire conversation.

You should've asked him if he has any extra Rayovac batteries lying around.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

Brushing with Celebrity...

the other day i was in costco here in LA, and i noticed while i was making my way to the check-out lines that i was on a collision course with that guy dax sheppard who played "frito" in idiocracy (without that movie, i wouldn't know who he was or what his name was). as we passed, i said, "welcome to costco. i love you." in a mentally-handicapped dialect (see: idiocracy). he didn't give much of a response, but i felt great about acknowledging the irony of the situation.

i've had a lot of run-ins. usually weird ones. that's just the most recent.

Brushing with Celebrity...

Once saw Calvin Johnson in a record store I frequent in Ottawa. Funny thing, I figured he was just the typical anonymous old guy, until I got a good look at him. Didn't talk to him, he was looking through the store's vinyl collection. (he was playing a gig that night)

I shook Ian Mackaye's hand after seeing him with the Evens (shook Amy Farin's hand too). Told him he put on a damn good show and he said to me "Why thank you, my friend.". Walking home that night, I couldn't believe I got to shake his hand.

Saw Win Butler (Arcade Fire lead singer) at the Jay Reatard/CPC Gangbangs show in Montreal. Didn't talk to him because I didn't notice him until I was leaving.

Met the members of Controller.Controller after they played at Ottawa Bluesfest two years ago. I bought a shirt of theirs and got all the members to sign it. They were one of my favourite bands then, so I almost shit myself.

I know the members of AIDS Wolf semi-personally.

Got the drummer of Japanther to sign a broken drumstick someone found on the floor during their set and gave to me. As I asked him, he had a look on his face that implied "Why the hell do you want me to sign THIS?"

Talked to the Ruins drummer at a gig in Ottawa.

Brushing with Celebrity...

George Romero was the nicest. I had him sign my special edition Dawn Of The Dead Director's Cut VHS to which he said.. "hey... haven't seen one of these in awhile". I thanked him for making really incredible films. He replied, after drags from his Marlboro, "Thank you for telling me that and having me sign your tape. It means a lot."

My dad is a personal friend of Ted Alliota of Alliota, Haynes and Jeremiah (that Lake Shore Drive song from the 70s, y'know?). I've talked to him on the phone and run into him at parties and stuff. Him and my dad jammed a bit in our living room as well. That was cool.

I met Adrienne Barbeau at a horror film convention. I asked to get a picture. So, I had her come out from behind her table and just did one of the arms legnth, faces pressed together deals. I still cherish this picture.

I bullshitted with Lori Cardille of George Romero's Day Of The Dead for about 45 minutes. This was awesome.

I bullshitted at length with Sage Stallone (Sylvester's son). He's an obsessive film buff who smokes Kool cigarettes. He's a bit chubby too.

I was at a party a few months ago and ran into Cynthia Plaster Caster. Shes a nice, goofy lady.

I talked at length with Brann Dailor of Mastodon (formerly of Today Is The Day). This was a great moment for me.

I bullshitted with Pansy Division's guitarist/singer for a bit. He was sitting all by himself when they played at the Fireside, so I said fuck it... I'll go chat with him.

That guy who used to play trumpet in Slapstick and who plays guitar in Honor System would always recognize me and talk to me at shows. Hes cool.

Theres probably more I'm forgetting...
(Winters In Osaka)

Brushing with Celebrity...

Maurice wrote:
On Wed Dec 31, 2003 4:46 pm PirateMan wrote:I am not sure if this thread already exists; nevertheless here it comes:

Tell us about your most memorable brush with celebrity!

The MayorofRockNRoll, Joined: 14 May 2007 wrote:You guys do realize we've done this thread before, right?

Just sayin'.
yeah, i know. i don't think he realized how old the thread was. i mean, he's only been here 1year.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

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