Little details from your day

that damned fly wrote:
Mandroid2.0 wrote:Well, after three weeks of working, I am once again aimlessly unemployed.

wow. i think you tied my record.

sucks though. i'm sorry to hear it. what happened?

good luck, by the way.


I'm honestly not sure precisely what happened My boss called me into the office at the end of my shift today to tell me that I had "a lot of potential in the industry" but that they'd decided to "go a different route with things."

I have several theories about reasoning behind the decision. I think that I was either hired as an interim person to fill in while they waited on someone else to be able to work there, or that the person that I was replacing came back.

At any rate, I'm annoyed but slightly relieved. I didn't really feel comfortable there (except for with the customers...I was terrific with them), I was expected to arrive 15 minutes ahead of time and not get paid for it, didn't get paid to stay late unless it was by the half-hour extra of time (so 20 minutes was basically non-paid overtime), didn't get breaks (apart from a 30 minute lunch, if the schedule allowed that), and wasn't really being trained with any discernible path in mind. I also never had two days off in a row and taking unpaid time off was frowned upon or not allowed, so my chances of ever going camping for a weekend or flying to Chicago to visit for a few days was zilch.

The really weird thing is that earlier this week my boss was telling me that I was doing well learning everything and that he was looking into getting my health insurance benefits, which were supposed to be part of my contract. He'd just had me sign my tax forms after my "two week trial period" had ended, and everything seemed to indicate that I'd be continuing with the business.

Then, Tuesday, everyone suddenly grew extremely cold and critical toward me and started watching everything that I was doing, like I was going to build a pipe bomb if they turned their backs on me for 2 minutes. It was so strange. I didn't steal anything, I didn't use the internet more than a few minutes a day, I didn't yell at customers or cause huge irreparable mistakes.

Blech. Sometimes I think that there's something about me that attracts only unstable, fickle people to employ me.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Little details from your day

LBx wrote:hopefully chicks for free will be next...

This made me laugh so loud that my next-door neighbor was awoken from his slumber (if he slept in his bedroom like a normal person this stuff would never happen) and rang my doorbell to see if I was ok.

I didn't answer. I intend on making him think he imagined the whole thing, like it was exploding head syndrome.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Little details from your day

Mandroid2.0 wrote:Then, Tuesday, everyone suddenly grew extremely cold and critical toward me and started watching everything that I was doing, like I was going to build a pipe bomb if they turned their backs on me for 2 minutes. It was so strange. I didn't steal anything, I didn't use the internet more than a few minutes a day, I didn't yell at customers or cause huge irreparable mistakes.
this sounds horrible.

Mandroid2.0 wrote:Blech. Sometimes I think that there's something about me that attracts only unstable, fickle people to employ me.

I think the problem is much more that too many bosses are complete idiots.

Little details from your day

Good luck in finding a new job, Mandroid. :D

Last night I got shitfaced with a friend while practicing. Afterwards, we sat around, drank a lot more, and watched "Runaway" with Tom Selleck, and Gene Simmons as the bad guy. We watched the entire thing on mute, and played Tortiose, and Codeine while making fun of the movie. A really fun time.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

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