Favorite Female Guitarists With Magestic Guitars

Mazec wrote:
yaledelay wrote:I have an EPI one

Oh really? How do you like it? I've been thinking about buying one.

I love it, it is my "rock" guitar my other guitars are more my "noise" or "scrape" guitars, it has a very thick tone and its easy to play, its pretty heavy though so I don't play it much live as it is hard on my back...

It holds weird tunnings well and you can crank the gain on it without it feeding back, they have a pretty big learning curve on them as they are weighted weird so if you get one, give it about 3-4 months of playing before you decied if you like it or not, I hated that guitar for the first month I had it, but now its my favorite of my "at home" guitars...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Favorite Female Guitarists With Magestic Guitars

numberthirty wrote:


In the interest of what OK CYBORG posted at the start of the thread:

Cheetie Kumar. Guitarist of Birds of Avalon. It sells Birds of Avalon way short to say "Space Rock/"70's Rock" but, that does give you a general idea of how they play.

As for gearspotting, It seems like Cheetie has some sort of a rack echo she spins the knobs on during songs.

So yeah, she's pretty awesome.

Favorite Female Guitarists With Magestic Guitars

Marsupialized wrote:
Dr. Venkman wrote:
dontfeartheringo wrote:

Hey! You're tuning!

Maybe she's UN-tuning, ever think of that?

This concept did blow my mind when I first heard about it. (Though I don't know why. I guess I only thought Sonic Youth, Jandek and Arto did that.) At the time I didn't know about burun's unorthodox way of playing.

Also, I want to play a Bean like that someday. Just to see what the fuss is all about.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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