Your Music Pet Peeves

People who only know the hits
"Oh yeah, Aerosmith/Jethro Tull/Other "Name" Bands, I love him! His best song is "Walk this Way!"
Greatest hits compilations/radio stations that play edited versions.
"Teenage Wasteland" instead of "Baba 'O Riley" and looking at other peoples' music collections that have similar mis-named songs or artists.

When I thought of this topic in the car I had like ten of them, I should have just whipped my iPhone out and tapped them in right then and there. = My acoustic songwriting.
Marsupialized wrote:A male playing an acoustic guitar.

Come on.

Your Music Pet Peeves

Recordings with gated reverb on the snare drum (even if its from the 80s) Very few exceptions. A real drum kit shouldn't sound like a fucking drum machine. This really pisses me off.

Predictable, trite lyrics and rhyme schemes. (rhyming here with fear, love with above, you with "I do" or something similar... ya get the idea)

Uber-prog/tech Metal bands that people are always blowing their loads over, but all I hear is a bunch of random chugging riffs in fucked up, wacky time signatures repeated over and over again. (Job For A Cowboy comes to mind, as well as certain Meshuggah albums.)

Metal bands with too many 'chug' parts. Take your palm off the fucking strings and let some notes ring! Groove out! Dazzle me with some sweet single note riffage! COME ON!

People who try to defend Metallica's Black Album.

Mars Volta and Muse type noodle-prog shit.

Brokencyde and Millionares type shit.

Recent female solo artists.

Overuse/misuse of guitar effects.

Beatles covers.

The fact that everyone and their brother owns a Led Zeppelin t-shirt.

The fact that everyone and their brother owns a Misfits "crimson ghost" logo shirt.

Tool fans.

Anything that is currently on Top 40 Radio.

There are many, many more....
(Winters In Osaka)

Your Music Pet Peeves

Janeway wrote:When you first meet someone and they want to know what kind of music you listen to..

I say Christian Rap, they go away. NOBODY wants to hear or talk about Christian rap. Ever. They want to get as far away from anyone who does as fast as possible.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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