Little details from your day

I walk to work. On the way, I walk along a narrow path at the side of a busy road. Today, I saw a woman heading towards me in the opposite direction, walking in the road. I thought to myself "I should step onto the road so she can use the pavement".

I stepped off the pavement into her path and she just looked at me like she had caught me urinating on an underage girl. I realised this woman was morbidly obese. She couldn't walk on the pavement because she wouldn't fit. She could try, but she'd scrap the wall at the side and still be in the road. This is on a bend, so there's a blind spot for oncoming drivers. It's only a matter of time before that woman gets squished by by some unlucky driver.

I've managed to gain 7lbs in less than two weeks by switching from chicken to chicken II (duck). I'm scared than I'm gonna get fat (fat like Fatty McRoadkill) so I gotta burn some calories.

Little details from your day

On Friday I bought an SG Standard at a super cheeeep price. The guy who I bought it from had owned it and used it for 3 years – he never cleaned it or wiped it down the whole time. It was possibly the grubbiest thing I have ever held. He’d had 2 ebay sales fall though – I think that these people saw the state of the guitar and walked away. It really did look awful. There seemed to be caked spit on the stop bar… man… The fret board from the first to the 5th was almost totally black.

I spent the weekend cleaning it and setting it up – Underneath the grime was a pristine SG! It is now the nicest thing I have ever owned.

I woke up early today to play it. I’m just biding time at work today so I can go home and play it again.

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