The Dark Knight

fedaykin13 wrote:
that damned fly wrote:
joelb wrote:Dork alert, but I was paying attention. As Batman jumps on his bike, Gordon yelled "which one are you taking?" or some such thing, and Batman, choosing his lady love over the future of Gotham, grunts out "Rachel." Then he clearly gets totally hosed. I think. Joker switched the addresses.
that did happen. i remember it.

batman thought he was going after rachel.

I guess in my mind
I'd heard so much about how dark the movie was going to be
and I said to myself
"he lied to look good and went for Dent instead"

If he had lied to look good and really went for Dent, Commissioner Gordon and the cops would've showed up at the same location, thinking Batman had gone to the other one.

The Joker was just pulling a fast one..

The Dark Knight

fedaykin13 wrote:So...Gotham has 30 million people in it?
According to Morgan Freeman when he was having his hissy fit about using that device.

Gotham proper has a population of 11.2 million. The hinterland and greater metropolitan area has a population of 30.4 million. There are no White Castles outside of Gotham proper, even in the inner ring suburbs. This is all that matters.

Horribly planned city. The second freeway ring was ill-conceived at the outset, and the resulting sprawl has lead to poor locational decision-making by businesses and workers. Clusterf*ck on those freeways. Makes Chicago and Minneapolis look like Phoenix. Fo' realz.

The Dark Knight

Rick, I'm very surprised you didn't like a film which is pretty much an adaptation of Fear and Trembling. The tragic hero (Dent) vs the knight of faith (Wayne)... the guy "who walks the narrow road of faith" and who must necessarily be unseen and misunderstood... the dark night. The test of faith... willingness to sacrifice what you love most: in Kierkegaard it's Abraham and Isaac, in Batman it's Bruce Wayne and Rachel Dawes.

Man, I thought a film about true faith would really be your thing.
Last edited by tocharian_Archive on Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ace wrote:derrida, man. like, profound.

The Dark Knight

i liked the film. i thought there was ample tension and while some feats of strength required a bit more disbelief, the action seemed generally within what was humanly possible for the batman.

ledger was really good, way better joker than nicholson.

i didn't find it too long, in fact it went by rather quickly. i also thought aaron eckhart did a fine job, i rather like his acting.

what i absolutely loved was what i think was just a single droning violin note playing throughout a lot of the film.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

The Dark Knight

The "Thing" that struck me about this movie was the way it was staged, or not staged. Unlike the first film or just about any other major summer action flick, it wasn't split into cliched acts but flowed from the beginning as a single piece that gradually but ever more quickly unraveled until the Joker's final plot was foiled-at which point it lost a little steam. The whole "descent into chaos" theme. Really well done and not "just" for a Hollywood flick.

People in my theater laughed at the Joker at a few very inappropriate moments. I guess I didn't see the humor.

Shortest 2.5 hour movie ever.
DrAwkward wrote:If SKID ROW likes them enough to take them on tour, they must have something going on, right?

The Dark Knight

some teenage girls were texting and talking during the film so my wife leaned over and the the conversation went:

-do you want to get kicked out?
-then you better be quiet.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

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