being a pot head

Total votes: 108 (68%)
not crap
Total votes: 50 (32%)
Total votes: 158

being a pot head

steve wrote:
ticdouloureaux wrote:my name is frank . i am a pot head
i smoke about a half ounce a week maybe more.
i dont drink alchohol at all.
i find this habit to be less evil than boozing.
thats just my oppinion though.....

Buddy Rich went through a pound a week, and he felt like a king. I'm sure he passed the duchy though.

Unfortunately, I have seen long-term pot smokers eventually turn into suspicious, bitter I-didn't-get-a-fair-shake type assholes. If you're not one of them, then don't worry about it. If you are, then you shouldn't smoke pot any more.

I had an old roommate that became a complete waste of space through long-term use. Then again, I smoke about a quarter a week and I'm right as rain.

It can go either way, I guess. Depends on the person and their ability to handle it.

being a pot head

It's been a month since I smoked any herb, after about ten years of daily use. The reasons are threefold:

1. The fucking cost. We were up to $400-$500 a month, plus the food bills from the munchies.

2. Wifey is job-hunting and will have to drop.

3. Frankly, I got tired of being in a haze all the time. Not to mention the fear of everyone smelling it on me or in my house, etc.

Well, I guess that would be fourfold...

Right now: crap (subject to change)

being a pot head

i tried vaping for the first time last night and loved it...would definitely do it again...i could taste the melon oil all of the rest of that night...
lemur68 wrote:I've always said there are two ways to guarantee getting on the news:

1) Be found hoarding 80 animals in your home.

2) Drive through a storefront.

I'm 6/80ths the way to #1.

being a pot head

daniel robert chapman wrote:1:25. Crap.

in the CocoRosie thread, steve wrote:I've never wanted to shit on anybody before.

Now this song is horrible and all, but it needs some slap bass and a 10-minute noodle breakdown to take it to the next level. They even suck at sucking.

I bet Hannah's field has never been mowed.
Last edited by lemur68_Archive on Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

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