Favorite Female Guitarists With Magestic Guitars

sunset_gun wrote:Already been posted, but deserves another go.

I've never seen anyone channel Townsend so beautifully, as she does live.


Both her and Corin are real swell as people as well. They took me and my g/f out for pizza with them before a show in Madison for their first record when they found out we drove from the Chi to see it. That was real, real cool. They paid and everything. Garlic bread, cheese sticks, the works.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Favorite Female Guitarists With Magestic Guitars

Marsupialized wrote:
SecondEdition wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:My wife has an extremely slutty drunk friend who looks exactly like her

I think I might want to meet your wife's friend.

Are you in Chicago? I can make this happen, like tonight. She's completely and totally on the prowl right now. 'Don't you have any cool guy friends you can hook me up with?'

So far everyone I have tried to tell about this prime opportunity has been real slow to react. I do not understand this. She's gorgeous, and insane and drunk and has very casual sex at the drop of a hat.
For some reason this is not interesting enough to my friends to actually call her after I give them her number.

Shit dog..late responding to this response but hell...if she's cool with the whole Jack-o-Lantern thing I have going on I'd step up to the plate.

That's a just if, though. Nothing to it.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

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