Little details from your day

Been landscaping the garden for weeks. It’s been a major mission. All the hard stuff is done now, only the planting to go. Last night we got an electrician in to finish wiring in some low level lights that he installed. It all went well until he tested the system…

It seems that whenever the house was converted into flats the jerks never did a proper job with the wiring. The fuse box is fucked for a start – he showed me wires that were completely unshielded etc. Nothing is grounded properly in the whole place. He won’t sign off on any work until this is done… flat out - unsafe. It’s a major job to fix because the main power coming into the place is a floor above.

The money that we have saved by doing the garden ourselves and all the painting and decorating and tiling and working we’ve done in the last year on the flat has just been pissed away in about 30mins. I’m gutted...

And Rimbaud – One of your co-workers moonlighting in the Blue Man group?

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