The Dark Knight

Saw the movie again. So fucking great.

In the last scene commissioner Gordon's son asks him why they're going to hunt Batman as a criminal. Gordon says:

"Because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. Because he's something more. The silent guardian. The Dark Knight."

Also, in Wayne and Gordon's discussion on whether Batman ought to take responsibility for Dent's crimes, Batman says, "Because sometimes people ought to have their faith rewarded", meaning the citizens of Gotham ought to be rewarded for having faith that they would not blow each other up on the ferries.

I see some folks have said that Dent may have been a better man than Wayne. I have to disagree with this. Dent was an extremely good man, a wonderful man, a man of unimpeachable ethics but he was nothing more.
Faith is "a teleological suspension of the ethical". There is no stronger ethical obligation than to one's family, and time and again in Batman, sacrificing family is the test of faith. Commissoner Gordon almost had to be put to the test. His family actually had a "test run" of sorts when his wife was told that he was dead after the assassination attempt on the mayor.

I wouldn't be fooled by the buffoonish, Donald Trump-type billionaire character that Wayne plays. Wayne has a sense of humor, but most importantly knows he must be seen as a fool.
Ace wrote:derrida, man. like, profound.

The Dark Knight

Just got back from seeing the movie. Solid NOT CRAP, although the script was inadvertently hysterical most of the time, I thought. I enjoy watching aaron eckhart so much, I was upset that two-face died because i thought he'd make an interesting villain for batman to go up against again; however, upon further thought they probably did all they could with his character.

Heath Ledger just stole that role away from Jack Nicholson, too, I hope people realize that. I wouldn't say it was a "transcendent" performance or whatever, but he made Nicholson seem lazy.

I wonder if they'll make another one. I hope this franchise doesn't run out of steam, but how far can they take it? Introducing a Robin would completely ruin the films, and taking away the Nolans would almost certainly be a mistake - however, I imagine they want to do other things. Don't you hate it when you find yourself wanting more superhero movies??
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

The Dark Knight

davesec wrote:this movie fucking ruled!

that scene where the joker is hanging out of the car window and just looking/being fucking INSANE was so awesome

that was possibly the best scene. the key is that is in daylight (and that he's in a cop car, but to me the daylight is the more poetic part) -- he's this representation of evil running amok in broad daylight enjoying the sun and air.
jimmy spako wrote:jeff porcaro may be gone but his ghostnotes continue to haunt me.

The Dark Knight

world of pee wrote:
davesec wrote:this movie fucking ruled!

that scene where the joker is hanging out of the car window and just looking/being fucking INSANE was so awesome

that was possibly the best scene. the key is that is in daylight (and that he's in a cop car, but to me the daylight is the more poetic part) -- he's this representation of evil running amok in broad daylight enjoying the sun and air.

I found it interesting that he was a murderer yet enjoyed living and other people so much.
it's not the length, it's the gersch

The Dark Knight

Rick Reuben wrote:
Graham Hick wrote:I found it interesting that he was a murderer yet enjoyed living and other people so much.
Well, like most people in clown make up, he likes people and killing people, in that order.

Like Gacy?

That also reminds me of a Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy

"To me, clowns aren't funny.
In fact, they're kind of scary.
I think it goes back to the time I went
to the circus, and a clown killed my dad."
it's not the length, it's the gersch

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