Either/Or: Sublime or Vanilla Ice

Total votes: 10 (31%)
Vanilla Ice
Total votes: 22 (69%)
Total votes: 32

Either-Or: Sublime or Vanilla Ice

ironyengine wrote:I don't understand the popular consensus regarding "Santeria." It seems like every "Sublime sucks because" discussion I've ever heard has made allowances for the song, and I am 100% confused by it. It's really not that great a song.

The fact that he croons the line "believe me when I say that I've got somethin' for his punk ass" was a little amusing the first time I heard the song.

watching his appearance on SNL back in 1992 or whenever during which his DJ (D-Shay, I think) prompted the audience repeatedly to say "ICE ICE BABY, TOO COLD, TOO COLD!" and was answered each time with almost complete silence from said audience. It wasn't that the audience was merely inaudible, because there were one or two people actually trying to participate, but most of the audience was silent. Oh, how I laughed. I wish I still had the recording of this "performance."

A YouTube search for "Vanilla Ice SNL" did not bring up his Ice Ice Baby performance, but it did pull up several instances of Jim Carrey's VI sketch on In Living Color.

I can't find where I read this, but the "too cold" chant was originally used by members of a national African-American fraternity, possibly Alpha Phi Alpha. If true, it proves that he had even fewer original ideas than we thought.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Either-Or: Sublime or Vanilla Ice

lemur68 wrote:A YouTube search for "Vanilla Ice SNL" did not bring up his Ice Ice Baby performance, but it did pull up several instances of Jim Carrey's VI sketch on In Living Color.

Which was okay, but nowhere near as good as the real thing. It also does not appear on the "SNL: 25 Years of Music" dvd set. I can't imagine why.

Also, fuck "Wrong Way" as well. Such bad music.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

Either-Or: Sublime or Vanilla Ice

enframed wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I already have 163.
I got this in the bag.

I'm counting on you, McGarvey.

remember the PRF decides if all the bands on the list are worse than Vanilla Ice...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Either-Or: Sublime or Vanilla Ice

yaledelay wrote:
enframed wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I already have 163.
I got this in the bag.

I'm counting on you, McGarvey.

remember the PRF decides if all the bands on the list are worse than Vanilla Ice...

1000 polls, minus the ones that have already been decided in C/NC? This will be madness.

Bringing it back around: I would much rather listen to Madness than Sublime.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

Either-Or: Sublime or Vanilla Ice

Mighty Mighty Boss Tones are better than Vanilla Ice.
Sublime is better than Mighty Mighty Boss Tones.
Vanilla Ice is better than Sublime.

These three statements cannot logically be correct, yet, here we are.

Also, substitute please "less horrible" for "better".
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

Either-Or: Sublime or Vanilla Ice

Antero wrote:Sublime has a couple great songs, even though their overall discography is definitely crap, and they clearly had a genuine appreciation for reggae and hip-hop. Their fan base is shittier than they are, because it's mostly people who don't.

Vanilla Ice is just shitty.

I'll go with Sublime on this one. Most of their shit is lame, but there are a few good ones in there, I just can't think of any examples. For the nostalgia value at least... I could not get stoned in anyone's basement in 7th grade without Sublime being played for at least a few hours.

Either-Or: Sublime or Vanilla Ice

Sublime is much worse.
I don't think anyone takes Vanilla Ice seriously, aside from girls who were 14 in 1988. Sublime basically did the same thing as vanilla ice, but infused it with ska, which is insufferable to begin with, and are taken way seriously.
Their singer did nothing but make bad music and OD, and this somehow makes him a "hero" to adoring fans. I do not get it.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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