Hey, plant some vegetables!

Finally getting the first eggplant peeking out its purple head (nudge nudge). The hot Portugal peppers look great, one is nearly ripe. Those fuckers are big.

Five tomatoes have started. I doubt we'll get much more than that off this plant. Hope they survive.

On a related backyard note, we bought two bird feeders, associated accessories, and a shitload of feed. We had attracted mostly sparrows and mourning doves, but we also had a couple of cardinals and a pair of finches. We were really enjoying having the birds around.

Yesterday, we had to put it all away because the seed was attracting nearly as many rats as birds. Fucking Brooklyn, man.
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Hey, plant some vegetables!

Damn deer ate most of the bush beans and pole beans. Fuckers. Hate 'em. They'd be useless if they weren't so tasty.

We have pepper blossoms and a few small emerging peppers. Mostly sweet red bell. We have a few ripe tomatoes already, and some more Romas close. The carrots had a poor germination, most of the salad greens got eaten by critters, but the walking onions have prospered and all the culinary herbs have been left alone.

I planted a vine group this year. The pickles are rocking, and there are cantaloupes, butternut squash, and pumpkins happening. No watermelons though. The vines are growing well and there are blossoms, just no fruit.

Hey, plant some vegetables!

Going to build a 4x8 foot box tonight for my wife to plant some more stuff. Mostly transplanting veggies that have outgrown their pots and getting a start on some fall produce.

Going to fill it with soil and our first round of finished compost!
geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?

Hey, plant some vegetables!

nice to see everyone updating their gardening stuff

got an early and plentiful summer harvest
and was able to can alot of stuff and still going forward

i ate a tomato in a salad the other day at a restuarant and it tasted like tomato with its soul ripped out

this is a fun way to get tastey food

Grandpa 1 grocery distributors of america-0

Hey, plant some vegetables!

burun wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:Yesterday, we had to put it all away because the seed was attracting nearly as many rats as birds. Fucking Brooklyn, man.

I am surprised you didn't also attract a shitload of slugs.

Slugs are freaky man. You can hear them eating.

Talk about slugs...I come from a family where gardening is considered standard practice. We've always grown our own vegetables. But now we have this DEER infestation and these creatures come and devour not merely vegetables but every ornamental plant in sight. It's a real downer.

If anyone has good suggestions on repelling deer, let me know. These deer don't seem to respond to any repellents. I'm starting to wonder if they are mutant super deer...I love animals and am against hunting purely for sport, but the population here is really out of control. I don't see why birth control can't be used by the county. It's fucking annoying as hell...

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