This record

Is Crap
Total votes: 1 (25%)
Is not crap
Total votes: 3 (75%)
Total votes: 4

Album: Chrome: The Visitation

Has anyone here even really heard this? Crazy hard to find. Congrats if you found a copy.

It's no Alien Soundtracks or Half Machine Lip Moves. It's not even a Red Exposure, but I still like it.

One of the songs kinda sounds like they ripped off John Cale's version of "Heartbreak Hotel." Sounds like they opted for getting drunk with this one.

Does anyone have a good MP3 version of this? My soulseek version is fucked up.

Album: Chrome: The Visitation

I bought this one in a Camelot record store import bargain bin amongst the Fotomaker and Strawbs albums. I had no idea who they were but the price was right ($1.99). I loved this album. The corner was ripped off and it had a hole punched in it.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

Album: Chrome: The Visitation

Cunningham wrote:Has anyone here even really heard this? Crazy hard to find. Congrats if you found a copy.

It's no Alien Soundtracks or Half Machine Lip Moves. It's not even a Red Exposure, but I still like it.

One of the songs kinda sounds like they ripped off John Cale's version of "Heartbreak Hotel." Sounds like they opted for getting drunk with this one.

Does anyone have a good MP3 version of this? My soulseek version is fucked up.
didn't i post this in a thread specifically about helios creed and chrome?
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Album: Chrome: The Visitation

i've heard of this one but have never seen/heard it...

fancyjamtime you are one lucky motherfucker for finding it in a camelot records of all places!

*makes an envy face*
lemur68 wrote:I've always said there are two ways to guarantee getting on the news:

1) Be found hoarding 80 animals in your home.

2) Drive through a storefront.

I'm 6/80ths the way to #1.

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