I lost my virginity at

14 or younger
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Total votes: 68

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

14. Boy scout camp. She was the Red Cross life guard instructor. She was married to the park ranger. She was plainish and in her early 30's. I was the only one going for lifeguard except for a set of dopey twins. I find out later that she fucked a boy every cycle. This was my turn.

While showing me one of the lifeguarding moves, she started rubbing me under my swim trunks. Then she asked me if I had ever "tasted a lady". After a lot of that (in the shed where they kept the canoeing gear), I did the deed. A couple minutes then out. Not my finest performance.

I was late to the mess hall for supper. I grabbed what was left over in the catering pans and sat down and ate. The park ranger got a cup of bug juice and sat down beside me. I started crying, which freaked him out. "Jesus Christ, what's wrong?" he asked, but I just kept sobbing and eating the cold strogenhoff. I never did say anything and eventually he left.

We had sex again twice in that two weeks. The next year I was a camp counselor at another camp and heard the stories of all the scouts she had fucked.

Molested? Was the ranger in on it?
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Nina wrote:I'm impatient because I hate doing it.

? What do you mean? That shit's awesome.

My ex-wife used to like to perform it for me. It was a whole ritual for her. Candles and everything. She'd have me talk her through it. Whenever I see her current husband I wonder what nasty stories that he has to come up with. I used to have to invent all sorts of "secret garden" type scenarios.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

fancyjamtime wrote:My ex-wife used to like to perform it for me. It was a whole ritual for her. Candles and everything. She'd have me talk her through it. Whenever I see her current husband I wonder what nasty stories that he has to come up with. I used to have to invent all sorts of "secret garden" type scenarios.


that is teh gae.

I would be FAR too embarrassed to take part in that.
Last edited by Nina_Archive on Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Nina wrote:Dude...that is teh gae.

She couldn't masturbate if she was alone. Said that it was depressing. She was a twice a week sex gal but a five time a week masturbator. It was tiring on my part but I did become quite the storyteller.

She asked me if I wanted to change roles. Nope.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

fancyjamtime wrote:[cool story about banging an older woman]

that's pretty neat. In retrospect I've always felt that would be an awesome way to lose it, although I remember thinking high school seniors looked "grown up" or "old" at that age. Really, though, it's like the sexual equivalent of skipping a grade, right? Salut!

Molested? I'm guessing not, but only you would know for sure. I personally equate that term with something more abusive/life altering. Your situation sounded a little more on the end of this: you weren't in control/not sure you were ready for it. Of course, switch the sexes and my reaction might change, right? I doubt you feel like it fucked up your life. Everyone's first important adult sexual relationship fucks them up for decades in one way or another, right?

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Camaro wrote:Molested? I'm guessing not...I doubt you feel like it fucked up your life.

Correct. I think it's pretty funny at this point. I would fuck the woman up who would do that shit to either of my sons however.

To be fair to the story though, the sex was in a smelly canoe hovel, it was quite muddy and she wasn't very hygenic. It wasn't exactly a "Jacquline Bisset expertly and tenderly taking a young man's seed" kinda story. Still, no regrets, eh?
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

ctrl-s wrote:fly: Hey. You've heard of "friends."

The dude I was talking about is also a hard-headed tech-geek who does not suffer fools at all, and very quiet to boot, which qualities didn't exactly serve to widen his prospects. Anyway I don't think he has many or major regrets about the so-called "late-blooming" thing.

Sounds like me.
I'm 22, study and work in science, I've got social anxiety and I live in Utah. I might be worried if people weren't so retarded, fake, or religious here. It's a strange place where people have an aversion to normalcy and a knack for being oblivious and ignorant.

I should be getting out of here soon and going to UTokyo for grad school, pending funding.

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Heliotropic wrote:
Nina wrote:I will admit to touching myself, looking quizzically at the melon fucking stuff and of course 'sup's short-lived furrie fascination, but it will be a cold ass fucking day in hell before I answer this fucking question.

25 no climax?

WAY younger and at that time, no climax,.

fancyjamtime wrote: She couldn't masturbate if she was alone. Said that it was depressing. She was a twice a week sex gal but a five time a week masturbator. It was tiring on my part but I did become quite the storyteller.
She asked me if I wanted to change roles. Nope.

That was an interesting woman there, fancyman! Wow.

juice wrote:I'm 22, study and work in science, I've got social anxiety and I live in Utah. I might be worried if people weren't so retarded, fake, or religious here. It's a strange place where people have an aversion to normalcy and a knack for being oblivious and ignorant.

I should be getting out of here soon and going to UTokyo for grad school, pending funding.

Run like hell, boy.
Don't look back, you'll turn to salt.

Utah to Tokyo!
I hope you are prepared for Japan. Some weird stuff going on over there in the sex department. Whoa.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

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