Regional Colloquialism Thread

I started this just because the other night I was talking to this kid from my hometown of Kansas City.

Anyways, this kid used the word "boogin" (spelling varies, could also probably be bougain, like the flower), which is a word I'd first heard when I was 21 and haven't heard since I left KC some thirteen years ago.

I myself had used it a couple of times in Austin, but nobody quite understood what I was talking about. It wasn't in use there and it never caught on. So, my initial response upon hearing it was 'Oh my god! People still say that?' and he'd said 'Oh yeah, I had a friend who had a band called Boogin' Mod'. I about shot beer out of my nose.

Okay, the word itself pretty much refers to your garden variety hick knuckledragger (I think it maybe originates from 'boonie') but actually crosses all race and economic lines basically encompasses any given brainless, mouth breathing fuck. Applies to most of the Wrigleyville crowd.

Anyways, the fact that they still use the word tells me it's not just a slangy fad, but actually sticks. At least in that region.

So, who else has their regional slang that really gets no play outside of a place?
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

Regional Colloquialism Thread

From a NW OH to SE MN transplant...

Back in a short. I'll be back in a little while.
Right quick. Used "Can I talk to you right quick?" means "Can I talk to you for a minute, right now?" Used "Packed up the gear right quick" means "Packed up the gear hurriedly".
Wonky. Odd. My ex from Utah regularly uses lurpy for the same thing.
Reconnoiter. Meaning "rearrange" or "re-sort". Sometimes things need no reconnoitering, they simply need the initial connoitering. Perhaps not indigenous to Ohio, but I've never heard anybody outside of Ohio use the word.
Jank. Broken, malfunctioning, fucked up, unusable.
Duh. Simply because of the usage. This one has thrown some of the Minnesotans I've talked to, because they don't seem to get what it is I'm after when I use it. Example of how we use it back in Ohio:
Joe: "So after they found out that they impounded the wrong car and had smashed the windows out and fucked the ignition up, they're still trying to charge him the lot fee."
Pete: "Duh!"
Carry out. A convenience store or bodega. People have looked at me and asked, "What the fuck is a carry out?" because the term exists nowhere else. They then will ask why it's called that, and the answer is simple: There are no carts, so you have to carry things out your damn self.
Ninja style. Describing a particular deftness of action, such as quickly catching falling pots and pans or dressing quickly before your dad catches you with the neighbor's daughter. I rarely used it, but a friend of mine used it a lot in stories like these.

Those are all I can think of at the moment. Some of them probably don't count.
This is going to get worse before it gets any better.

Regional Colloquialism Thread

Colonel Panic wrote:I've noticed that people from Missouri--St. Louis in particular--use the word "hoosier" to mean "redneck" in general, rather than somebody specifically from the state of Indiana.

Julia says it, it's a Missouri thing. also people who have money but are nevertheless trashy are hooge-wah (crossing 'hoosier' with 'bourgeois'). Julia might have made that up, it is a great term. she says 'jinky' for something that is poorly done or made.

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