Vincent Gallo s paintings......

Surfrider wrote:I know the sun's rays do actually shine out of VG's rectal tunnel, but there's no way his painting's can be as vibrant, thought provoking, important, and just plain awesome as the works by this guy.

Welcome to the wonderful and perplexing world of Wayne H Hodge ladies and gentlemen.

You are welcome.

This guy that you linked can actually draw.

Look at these link of Vincent Gallo's drawings and paintings and tell me it's good. WTF?

Look at the prices of the ones entitled "Im not gay, Im happy" and the other one "Help,you pussy". Seriously? Thousands of dollars?

I think I am going to just shit and piss all over canvass' and sell them for thousands. I bet If someone did that and hung them up in some douche place in NYC they would sell.

Vincent Gallo s paintings......

Atlantis wrote:Look at these link of Vincent Gallo's drawings and paintings and tell me it's good. WTF?

Look at the prices of the ones entitled "Im not gay, Im happy" and the other one "Help,you pussy". Seriously? Thousands of dollars?

My guess is that you'll find work of similar quality selling for just as much in galleries in most major cities. Monkey see, monkey do.

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