Introduction to Propellorhead Reason

scary bodega wrote:It comes with a pretty big manual. At least it did when I bought it a few years ago. Maybe they've gone PDF with the newest version.

Is there something specific that you want to do that the manual doesn't cover?

There's also quite a bit of info on the Propellerheads site. If you're a registered user, you can download manuals, etc.

Ah. For my part I have copy that came bundled with an MBox, so it basically had no documentation. So no manual for me. My copy IS registered, however the website for Reason is really not "user friendly". I might go back and comb through there some more.

The ultimate zing!

Introduction to Propellorhead Reason

dontfeartheringo wrote:I don't have any "go here and do this" advice, but I have used Reason pretty extensively.

PM me and maybe I can make some recommendation of someone in your area who might have some time and ability to show you some basics.

Thanks for the offer. I'll see if I can turn up anything else in the way of instructional manuals first. I know a couple other musicians who've worked with similar software who have helped me get what I have out of it so far.

The ultimate zing!

Introduction to Propellorhead Reason

I agree about the propellerhead site. It was redone since the last time I visited (and I can't say I spend a lot of time there hangin' out with the other "headz"). It used to be a little simpler to navigate.

I don't know if your mbox came with a full version of Reason (v.4?) or the scaled down "Reason Adapted" but I found these:

Here's a "Getting Started" PDF for Reason 3. Maybe not exactly the same but the basic concepts should be there: ... tarted.pdf

Here's an intstructional video from YouTube. I haven't watched this, so I can't vouch for it's quality, I'm afraid. There are quite a few Reason videos on MurdochVision it looks like. ... re=related

Sorry, if you found all that stuff yourself already. It's a pretty easy application to use, if you can get your foot in the door a bit, you should be able to figure it out from there. Hope this helps.

Introduction to Propellorhead Reason

scary bodega wrote:I agree about the propellerhead site. It was redone since the last time I visited (and I can't say I spend a lot of time there hangin' out with the other "headz"). It used to be a little simpler to navigate.

I don't know if your mbox came with a full version of Reason (v.4?) or the scaled down "Reason Adapted" but I found these:

Here's a "Getting Started" PDF for Reason 3. Maybe not exactly the same but the basic concepts should be there: ... tarted.pdf

Here's an intstructional video from YouTube. I haven't watched this, so I can't vouch for it's quality, I'm afraid. There are quite a few Reason videos on MurdochVision it looks like. ... re=related

Sorry, if you found all that stuff yourself already. It's a pretty easy application to use, if you can get your foot in the door a bit, you should be able to figure it out from there. Hope this helps.

The info is much appreciated. And yes, I have "Reason Adapted".
Thank you!

The ultimate zing!

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