Little details from your day

Yesterday, I went to one of the local record shops. Upon entering, I hear, from the sound system, a song that sounds familiar to me. But I can't recognize it immediately since I have trained myself not to pay attention to the music that plays there.

See, this record store is run by a bunch of hardcore death metal types that insist on playing that type of music all the time.

I recognize the album playing. Over and Out by Tar. It was a refreshing change and it made my day.

Nina wrote: We're all growing too old to expect solace from watching Camus and Ayn Rand copulate.

Little details from your day

ssakmule wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I had something wrong with my eye, it was all red and hurt like a bastard and was leaking.
This woman I work with, she's an old women from Africa. She tells me to put milk in my eye.
Milk? Just pour milk in my eye? Why would I pour milk of all things in my eyeball?
I figure I should probabaly do what she says, her being an old woman from Africa and all. Sounds weird but hey, who would I trust more? An American doctor? They don't know shit from shit.
Last time I went to a doctor he looked at what I showed him was wrong and he says 'I have no idea what that is'
Well, what should I do oh wise doctor?
'I have no clue what you should do'
Thanks, here's your 2 hundred and fifty dollars.

My eye now feels a million times better.

Marsup, probably drinking a glass of milk & then standing inverted on your head, in a yogic position would be the best way for the milk to be retained in your eyeball.

I am serious. Was all fucked up and now it's fine. Ten minutes later was fine. Milk, who would have thought?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

Early yesterday evening I heard a commotion outside. On opening the front door, I was greeted with the spectacle of half the residents of the street chasing a man down the road shouting "Burglar! Get him! He's a burglar!".

Leading the pack was the woman who's house he was trying to burgle when initially discovered. The man (burglar) was bleeding from a head-wound courtesy of the woman.

By the time I saw what was happening, one of the neighbours had jumped in his car and headed him off, thus spoiling the medieval witch-hunt somewhat.

Good work though - the guy had burgled 3 local houses yesterday. Probably make the papers I guess - community action against crime and all...

I reckon if one of the main parties here started promoting this sort of Keystone Cops vigilantism as a solution to urban crime, they'd get serious numbers of takers!
I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back.

Little details from your day

Marsupialized wrote:
ssakmule wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I had something wrong with my eye, it was all red and hurt like a bastard and was leaking.
This woman I work with, she's an old women from Africa. She tells me to put milk in my eye.
Milk? Just pour milk in my eye? Why would I pour milk of all things in my eyeball?
I figure I should probabaly do what she says, her being an old woman from Africa and all. Sounds weird but hey, who would I trust more? An American doctor? They don't know shit from shit.
Last time I went to a doctor he looked at what I showed him was wrong and he says 'I have no idea what that is'
Well, what should I do oh wise doctor?
'I have no clue what you should do'
Thanks, here's your 2 hundred and fifty dollars.

My eye now feels a million times better.

Marsup, probably drinking a glass of milk & then standing inverted on your head, in a yogic position would be the best way for the milk to be retained in your eyeball.

I am serious. Was all fucked up and now it's fine. Ten minutes later was fine. Milk, who would have thought?
yeah, sounds like it was poison ivy then. ringo was right. (i think it was ringo...)
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Little details from your day

Marsupialized wrote:
ssakmule wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I had something wrong with my eye, it was all red and hurt like a bastard and was leaking.
This woman I work with, she's an old women from Africa. She tells me to put milk in my eye.
Milk? Just pour milk in my eye? Why would I pour milk of all things in my eyeball?
I figure I should probabaly do what she says, her being an old woman from Africa and all. Sounds weird but hey, who would I trust more? An American doctor? They don't know shit from shit.
Last time I went to a doctor he looked at what I showed him was wrong and he says 'I have no idea what that is'
Well, what should I do oh wise doctor?
'I have no clue what you should do'
Thanks, here's your 2 hundred and fifty dollars.

My eye now feels a million times better.

Marsup, probably drinking a glass of milk & then standing inverted on your head, in a yogic position would be the best way for the milk to be retained in your eyeball.

I am serious. Was all fucked up and now it's fine. Ten minutes later was fine. Milk, who would have thought?

reminds me of that joanna newsom album, I mean the milk did mend your eye problem, right?. Do a voice check now.
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:As long as elites are in the minority, minorities will stay in the majority of the poor.

Little details from your day

I went by the store yesterday for some of my favorite ribs that some truly massive guy from Turkey makes. He is everything you would expect from this sort of guy, all greasy in his white tanktop, rocks a prime stache, obviously does a lot of blow, etc. His ribs are awesome, though.

Anyway I sit down and grab a beer for the wait and he asks me have I seen the thunderstorm last night. I say yeah, in fact I was out camping, and I riff away a little about how awesome it is to be in a tent in the middle of a thunderstorm and he starts to look at me oddly and then says how the thunderstorm actually scared him shitless.

This strikes me as a weird thing coming from him so I tell him man you're a massive guy you don't take shit from nobody and you make prime ribs, don't you be telling me you are scared of a little thunderstorm there man.

He tells me yeah, he lives like twelve high in his flat and he was smoking weed in the dead of night and he got so scared of the thunderstorm in his little flat that he wanted to go under the bed.

Under the bed! Like all of a sudden he is this massive, awesome rib making baby.

Jeesh, I'm 30 years old and still people catch me off guard just like that.

Little details from your day

ssakmule wrote:
John CIV wrote:Today I played a Grandmaster.


GM Gawain Jones, ranked eighth in Britain. Whupped my ass.

what is the "no of moves" equivalent of a chess whupp ass? I have played chess a few times, like a decade ago & the only moves I can think of are the ones involving brute force, which is very helpful in taking out most of the opponent's pawns in one move. Last time, I checked with the rule book, they were still considered illegal. Anyways, let us know about the "move count".

To be fair, I whupped my own ass. That's not to say he wouldn't have blatantly whupped my ass as he whupped the ass of everyone else playing the simultaneous game, whupped the ass of one of the strongest players 'blindfold', i.e., sat with his back to the game and playing it in his mind, and whupped the ass of several players in blitz games with the clocks set to five minutes for his opponents and one minute for him. In the simul I decided from the get-go that I'd probably have better luck if I tried to play for a draw, keep it all simple, swap off as many pieces in fair trades as possible and see how far I could get. It was all going quite well actually, but the rules were that whatever move you were going to make you had to make it when he reached your table. Just before he got to my table at around twenty-odd moves in I realised the move I was going to make was faulty, so I had to think quick, didn't think quick enough and put my Queen right where he could pin it to my King with his Bishop. In the swapped off open position without my Queen which I would lose next move I'd be useless, so I did the honourable thing.


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