inane things that people talk to you about

Came in this morning and the canadian whirled right around in his chair and greeted me. He's been kind of cold lately - I was a little rude to him a week or so ago*, which I think put him off. But this morning I could tell he had something to say.

Turns out he bought a new computer this weekend. I nodded politely as he told me all about it: about the motherboard, about the ram, about the size of the case, about how much the thing weighs. He went into greater and greater detail, sliding his chair close and speaking quietly when he talked about the really important things. It took about ten minutes to get it all out. Maybe not quite that long - maybe seven minutes.

*A week or so ago, when I was rude to him:

Someone nearby was playing some sort of music on their computer. It was loud enough for us to hear. It sounded a little like the theme from Star Wars. The canadian turned around in a panic: "what is that?" I said I didn't know, that it was coming from somewhere else. After a few moments, still freaked out, he turned and asked, "are you watching that?" I told him I wasn't. Then, the music still blasting, he asked, "is that the new Star Wars trailer??" I said, clearly annoyed, "I have no idea go over and look for yourself!"

Why do I work with so many nutcases? I would think this would mean that I'm a nutcase. I swear to you I'm not a nutcase. At least not like these nutcases.

inane things that people talk to you about

After reading spoot's story, this whole nutcase thing bothers me.

Your nuts can be called balls, right?

So couldn't a nutcase be the same thing as a ballsac(k)?
(Not sure if it would be ballsac, ballsack, ball sac, or ball sack)

If that's the case, then can't we start calling crazy people ballsacks and have it mean the same thing?

Or do you think most people would assume that you don't think they're a nutcase, that you in fact think they are a scrotum?

I really wish I knew why this puzzled me so much.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

inane things that people talk to you about

user333 wrote:today as my dentist was drilling my mouth he wouldn't stop talking about basketball, and with such great detail... like I knew wtf he was talking about. Why is it that people assume that you are automaticall interested in what they are interested in?

This dude that works for me constantly rambles on about fixing up his house. constantly.

this lady i work with breeds dobermans. she doesn't shut up either. in fact, she will actually get mad at you if you dont seem interested enough. i really hate her.

so beautiful!
I <3 meat hod.

inane things that people talk to you about

I'm surprised that this hasn't been brought-up yet, but as far as I am concerned the KING of banal conversations (certainly amongst people of my generation) is 'TV shows from our childhood'.

It seems to have become the standard pub/party conversation amongst people who otherwise have nothing to talk about.

"Hey! You remember the theme-tune to 'Marty and the Martians'?! That was AMAZING!!"

"Yeah!! And his side-kick was called Harry Donn!! Like hard-on, see?!! They'd never be allowed to do that these days!"

"...and when Mooker from 'We Are The Mookings' ate those green berries from the magic tree, he could fly!! was so obviously LSD! Brilliant!"

"What was the theme to 'Pooper and Poopin'? Er...dun-dun-dar! Dundly-dar!..."

*everybody joins in*

"Dundly-dar! Dundy-dun!..."

*hilarity ensues.*

Jeebus M Christ.

Note: closely followed by Toys From Our Childhood'.

inane things that people talk to you about

I'm surprised that this hasn't been brought-up yet, but as far as I am concerned the KING of banal conversations (certainly amongst people of my generation) is 'TV shows from our childhood'.

Ah, the curse of drunken nostalgia. My threshold for tolerance to nostalgia is somewhat lowered by alcohol, but it still succeeds in making me want to vomit. What really irates me is when this kind of chatter is indulged in by sober folk. I work in an office where you can't escape from the banal conversations of your co-workers, and they often disappear up the anal passage that is memory lane. When I refuse to engage with it, I get accused of being a miserable shit, and when it irritates me enough to want to comment I get told that I'm only behaving that way because it's somehow "cool" to be a curmudgeon.

inane things that people talk to you about

Rimbaud III wrote:I work in an office where you can't escape from the banal conversations of your co-workers, and they often disappear up the anal passage that is memory lane. When I refuse to engage with it, I get accused of being a miserable shit, and when it irritates me enough to want to comment I get told that I'm only behaving that way because it's somehow "cool" to be a curmudgeon.

Clearly we work in the same office.

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